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"Hey!! Stop shouting!! You might bleed my ears!!"

Y/n stopped screaming but was too stunned to speak by the male voice yet attractive ,

as She's scared of dark so she has her eyes shut tightly so she Couldn't even see a shadow.She thought there's none only her-

"W-what!! ArE yOu EvEn real?! "
Y/n shuttered while talking

"Noo!! I'm UnReAl!!"
He said in imitating voice

Y/n is again too stunned to speak and offended too.

"Hey!! You honourable unreal person stop Mocking me!!!"

Y/n shouted due to offense and she forgot she was scared about that unknown voice thinking of ghosts

She suddenly remembered what if he's an ghost?

"Omg ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Y/n jumped thinking an creepy face in her imagination as her eyes were still closed and threw her hand towards the person standing near her thinking She's an Karate Kid

( a/n:Well She's not)

She was quick but he quicker.he held her both hands and lights are back reveling two people standing way too close to each other

"Seriously?!  Why Are you trying to attack me??"
He said

Y/n opened her eyes and was mesmerised by the person standing near her and looking at her with Brown siren eyes and everything about his features screams perfection and Beauty.

"I-i thought you as g-ghost"
Y/n said

"I should be the one to think you as ghost "

Y/n frowned

"Do i look like a ghost to you?what's the point of thinking me as a ghost?" y/n said

"In horror movies ghost screams more than the person It's scaring and you did screamed "

"Oh yea! Wait! WHAT THE HELL!" y/n offended

Y/n again said

"Ok what do think of me now? Still a ghost? "

"No but a typical homeless "

"What?why!? Is this because of dressing like a man?"

"No!  You Just got homeless facial features "

Y/n's offence about him is out of control now

"What the hell!! Leave my hands!  I need to go home! "

"I can't "


"There's some history says homeless people Sometimes tries to attack handsome persons"

"Shut up leave me" with that y/n trying to get her hands free from his grip

But he suddenly took her outside and started walking.

"Hey stop!" y/n said

"As a Man i can't Leave you alone in this road I'll walk you home stop trying to get out of my grip and tell me your address "

Y/n was mute for while and said

"it’s........ "

It’s been 10 minutes they're walking and y/n hesitantly asked

"W-Whats your name?"

"Kim taehyung"

Y/n  find the name really suits him and smiled a little without anyone knowing.

"Oh I'm y/n"

"Oh i thought something else"

"What?" y/n asked being curious


Y/n was about to say something but suddenly  some dog's barking can be heard a little far away from them.

Y/n widened her eyes and was about to run but taehyung held her shirts collar from behind

"I-im scared of dogs please let me run!"
Y/n said with pleaded eyes

"Well me too"

Taehyung said and held her hands and both of them ran

Another history made

One Homeless people and a handsome person seen running together


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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