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"Yes aunt! Pls stop shouting!! " 𝘆/𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱"
"Ok dear!!! But where is your bag?"

Y/n paused for a moment and said

"I left that on street somewhere...."


"Oh my aunt!!  Plesse Don't Shout i beg you!!"

𝗬/𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃

I got happy thinking that whom I'm gonna stay is super sweet and funny but her shouts giving me jump scares and making me fly Everytime to the sky

Not gonna lie i love the sky but i Don't wanna go there being scared.

Aunt again spoke -

"How you left your bag on the street? "

Y/n thought for a while and decided not to say the truth.. But what will she say?

"Um.....some dogs chased me.. And i ran off "

"Why would dogs gotta chase you? *aunt frowned*

" maybe i looked like a  t-thief to them?"

That Women looked at y/n head to toe and said

"I never knew a thief wears branded clothes "

......suddenly they both burst into laughing!!

"Your smile is so beautiful dear!!"

Y/n smiled " thank you aun-"
"Ehhhhhhh!! What is aunt!!!! My name is Jahanara!! Say it!!

"O-okkk i got it!  Jahanara aunt!!  But please Don't shout for gods shake!! "

"Hahahah ok!! Wait why? "


"T-those dogs might hear us!!"

"Ahaaa! You got a point darling! Let's go home!  You must be tired!!

" you know my home will be safest place for you to stay!!"

Y/n smiled " I HOPE So..."

But suddenly her smile got faded by remembering the earlier incident, her mind got full of bad thoughts what if she gets caught?

Jahanara aunt spoke
"Dear are you tensed about something? "

"Um yes.... "

"You know dear what situation or what it is never overthink about it so much stay positive!!  dArLiNg~

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