Confronting Titan of Life

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The southern island is a large crescent moon covered in a thick forest with a small beach along the north-west point.

Zhù rises from his seat and walks over to navigation to see what the reading can tell him about the island.

"Well, it appears to be real, yet there is no volcano on land or under the sea. It would also appear to have not broken away from the mainland, when the plates split... Did one of the Titans make this? I mean apart from Life."

Whisper goes to him and replies, "According to, Star, no this is just how the island appeared."

"Interesting... Wait, that is ancient spells," says Zhù pointing his hand at the screen.

Dusk gets the image to zoom in on what appears to be some kind of incantation that has been carved in to the rock.

"So it is. that is for opening a portal," informs Whisper. "Hold on, there is not a single life sign... where are they?"

The navigator scans the island again and informs them, "No one has ever lived on this island."

"What? Star, what can you tell us?" Whisper asks whilst looking at the screen. "She is just as baffled, because this where the one before me should be. Activating the portal is the only thing we can do."

"Yes... however, we have no idea where it will take us or if we can get back."

The navigator points his hand at the screen. "My lords, look."

They see the incantation is beginning to glow dark blue with a hit of white at the edges. In the centre circle a portal begins to open and of it steps a man with long golden hair and dressed in a white robe.

The man holds up his hands and begins to wave them at the small craft that is hovering above the island. Then starts to move his hands up and down.

They all look to each other and the pilot tells them, "I cannot land the ship there, for the is not enough room."

"In that case Zhù and I will beam to the surface."

The Jīnyú gives a sharp nod and walks with him in to the transporter room, where Commander Nightfall uses the controls.

The man waits for them to completely materialise before he his hands level with his board chest.

"Welcome, Devine child of light, and friend, to my world, Crescent Moon Island. I am the one before you, Devine child. My name is Dawning moon. Please call me Moon. Let me guess, you are unravelling the past, otherwise there is no other reason for you to be here."

"You are correct. I am Whisper and this is my partner Zhù. We are here to tell you, your fake death has caused the Titan of life to be in an endless loop. All because he thought it was real and blames your interaction with the Crepusculum made us savage. He cannot see his actions are the reason our worlds are chaos."

Moon looks at them all wide eyed and he emits a soft, "What?"

Whisper and Zhù give him a moment to think.

"Wait, if that is the case why didn't the other Titans tell me this? I could have spoken to Life and explain to him that is has nothing to do with my encounter with the Crepusculum. It is all do with my scared father, who took one look at me and freaked out. From the moment I was born he tried to kill me. He just could not understand that this is what our species used to look like. The long golden hair, green eyes and fair skin is our true form. Our species adapted to being under three burning suns. That is why they started to be born with dark hair, skin and eyes. And we became nothing more than blip in our genetic code."

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