Jīnyú home world

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Sun finds being completely weightless a bit strange at first, but he soon grows to like it. He also finds Zhù to be amazing at gliding around the small cockpit and helps him to feel really relaxed.

Soon though they are strapping themselves to two small chairs as the ship begins to enter the atmosphere and white clouds start to pass the windows.

Sun cannot believe how smooth the ride is, he watches Zhù pull some leavers down by his legs and presses a few buttons above his head.

"All right, lad, get ready to hold your nose," teases Zhù.

The young man emits a soft laugh and can hear and engine is beginning to whine up the closer the fish ship gets to the glistening, calm greenish blue water.

There is a bit of a bump when the ship impacts into the endless ocean and begins to travel downwards. Lights inside the cockpit flicker on and two lights shine out from the belly of the fish to guide the way.

"How you doing, lad?"

"All right. Where is your home?"

"Do you see the lights down there?" Zhù asks pointing his hand out.

Sun looks out the window to see a set of twinkling lights are appearing out of the gloom.

"Yes, I see them."

"That is my home, those lights are marking the entrance to the dry dock and compression chamber."

"How long will we have to be in the chamber?"

"Around an hour. Ooh, are you going to be able to put with me that long?" Zhù queries with a smile.

"An hour with you? No, I'm not going to be ale to handle that."

They both laugh and Zhù continues to drive the ship towards the dock.

"Qìpào, cut the engine."

The engine starts to whine down and the ship drifts through the entrance to get clamped to a dock. The water level starts to drop and the sound of air rushes in to the chamber.

Zhù unfastens his harness and helps Sun with his. They both get out of the ship and enter a large white chamber that has been decorated with a space scene the young man has not seen before.

Outside a doctor keeps a close eye on the mortal man's life sines to make sure he is not getting the bends.

Sun rubs his ears and mutters, "They are popping."

"That is perfectly normal, lad. Just carry on breathing normally."

The young man does as he is told and begins to wonder what he can talk about for an hour.

Zhù pours him a drink and tells him, "Relax, lad, you can ask me about anything. Or we could play a game to pass the time."

Sun sits forward in his seat and enquires, "What kind of game?"

A board comes floating out of the open cupboard to be placed on the table.

"It is called, Battle arena. We both pick a character to battle. There is also chess or a puzzle game."

"Puzzle please," answers Sun watching a star appear along with dice.

Zhù picks up the dice and explains, "You have to roll this and whatever dots it lands on you place a triangle piece on the corresponding number on the board. The one with the most colour on the board wins. Understand?"

The young lad nods and they begin to play to pass the time. Zhù is amazed how quickly Sun picks up the game and it reminds him of the first time he showed it to his lover. Zhù starts to hope nothing else is happening whilst he is away.

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