The Relic's final mission Part 2

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Rose awakens easily all eager to explore the around the tombs. Sun does her nice breakfast and they are about to sit down when they here the chime go.

Sun answers it, "Morning sis, is everything all right?"

"It just dawned on me Whisper did not tell us where to meet."

Rose puts down her mug and agrees, "You're right. Leave it to me, I will go up to the bridge after breakfast. I suggest we all meet in the docking by we were in last night."

Star gives her happy nod and replies, "That is a great idea. All see you there. Later brother."

"Later, sis," answer Sun giving her wave as she walks away.

The couple continue to eat their breakfast and Rose makes her way to the bridge only to find Whisper nor Zhù are there.

"Morning, my dear."

"Midnight, morning. I need to have a quick word with Whisper."

The Major gives her smile and says, "Come, I will show you where they are housed."

Rose performs a quick bow and follows him up the corridor.

"Here we are, room three. Just press the bell and later."

"Thank you, Midnight, " she replies."

The Major gives her a nod and walks off.

Rose presses the bell and waits for one of them to answer.

A few minutes later the door whooshes open to reveal a rough looking Zhù.

"Rose! Good morning," he says quickly closing his robe more around his chest.

"I'm sorry, I hope I am not interrupting anything."

"No, no, come on in," he says beckoning to her to enter.

Rose steps inside the room and equerries, "Is it all right if I have a quick word with your other half?"

"Oh you don't me?" Zhù questions gesturing a hand towards his chest.

"I'm sorry."

"It's quite all right. Darling," he calls towards another room.

A moment later Whisper comes out still fasting the cloth belt on his robe and gives them a smile.

Rose quickly apologises, "I'm sorry to be disarming you both this early.."

"It's quite all right, when something wrong."

"Not wrong, more like we are unsure where to meet, because we neglected to discuss that last," informs Rose looking up at him.

Whisper emits a soft giggle and tells her, "I realised about an hour after I had gone to bed. I blurted so plainly, oops I didn't tell them where to meet."

Zhù smiles and says, "I heard that in the dark, just going to sleep. I was like, oh sort it in the morning darling and just rolled over."

"He did as well. So, have you picked a location?"

Rose nods and when she informs him Whisper responds with a nod and a smile.

"Nice," he says, "I was going to suggest the same place. Mainly because that is where the vehicle is housed. It has a trailer so we can load it with what we need for the trip. You are welcome to start sorting that out if you get there before me."

Rose nods and answers, "All right."

Whisper knows when she starts tapping her fingertip together she is wanting to ask him something.

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