𝙁𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙮. 🦋

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4 years later
Atlanta, Georgia


"Mommy can we go to the mall" 4 year old azalea asked as she sat at the counter coloring in her coloring book


"Girl what you need to go to the mall for ?" Lani asked looking over at her as she washed the dishes

"I need some more toys mommy" the little girl said causing Lani to chuckle

"Go ask daddy to take us " Lani whispered causing the little girl to quickly jump down from the stool

She ran to the room her dad was in before barging in.

"Lea what I tell you about coming in here while I'm working ?" Geo asked as both him and king looked at her

"Sorry dada, I came to ask if you can take me to the mall" she pouted causing king to laugh

"Why can't your momma take you ?" Geo asked continued to work on king's tattoo

"Mommy told me to ask you" she said crossing her arms

Geo smacked his lips "Ight mama, we can go when I'm done" he said causing Lea to smile before walking out and closed the door behind her

"He said we can go when he's done" Lea said causing Lani to nod

30 minutes late Geo walked out of his office with King behind him.

"Bye lil sis, Bye Lea" king said

"Bye uncle king, are you picking me up from school tomorrow ?" Lea said as Lani waved

Every Monday King would pick up Lea from school and take her to get ice cream.

He calls it uncle and niece bonding time.

"Yes princes, I'll be there" he said kissing her forehead before leaving out

"Y'all ready ?" Geo asked grabbing a water from out the fridge

"Yea, Lea go wake Yas up" Lani said causing her to run upstairs

"Stop running" Geo said before hearing her little feet slow down

"Wassup Mrs. Smith" Geo smiled turning Lani around

"How you feeling ?" He asked after pecking her lips multiple times

"Im okay, still a little nauseous and I'm hungry" Lani said rubbing her small pudge

She was 1 month pregnant with their second child.

"What you wanna eat pretty ?" Geo asked rubbing her stomach

"I want some seafood" Lani pouted causing Geo to shake his head

"That's how I know it's a boy, cause with Azalea you hated seafood" Geo said causing her to chuckle

"We're ready" Lea said coming downstairs with Yas behind her

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