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I woke up at midnight, screaming and crying because of a nightmare/flashback of my moms death.
"Mommy!" I screamed as tears fell rapidly. Dad ran in the room, followed by CC, Jinxx, Jake, and Andy.
"What's wrong, baby?" Ashley asked.
"Mommy! She's dead!" I sobbed. Dad hugged me.
"Oh sweetie." He said.
"I w-w-want-t her back-k." I sobbed.
"What happened to your mom?" Dad asked.
"She died in a c-car wreck-k with my abusive step dad." I cried.
"I'm so sorry sweetie." Dad said.
"I had a nightmare from when she died." I said.
"It's okay..shh..youre okay, I promise." Dad said. I hugged him right and cried into his chest. He rubbed my back until I fell asleep.


"She's asleep now." I said quietly.
"Her mom is dead. I know how that feels." Jake said.
"It's okay Jakey." Jinxx said.
"Thanks Jinxxy Boo." Jake said and laughed quietly.
"We should get some sleep." Andy said.
I got up, careful not to wake up Skippy, and went to walk out the room. I tripped on something though. CC was laying on the floor, asleep.
"Guys, CC fell asleep on the floor again." I said. Jake picked him up.
"I got him." He said. I nodded and went back to me room and jumped into bed.
I fell asleep instantly.

Ashley Purdy's DaughtersWhere stories live. Discover now