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S3 EP20 - LO-FI

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S3 EP20 - LO-FI

Hotch had lost the chance to drive his car when he discovered his keys had disappeared from his jacket and somehow ended up in the hands of the agent he had found himself working closely with, "I'm not a good passenger," The agent had stated before walking away, leaving him to question how she had managed to take them without him noticing.

The car ride had been filled with only music and news reports escaping the radio. Hotch hadn't attempted to engage in small talk and Aurora just hummed along to the music until they arrived in the rough neighborhood her undercover contact had chosen as his home. "Alright, keep your mouth shut and follow my lead, or your kid is going to find out their father has zero survival instincts or brain cells," Aurora said firmly as she pulled the car into a parking spot.

"What makes you think I have a child?" Hotch questioned.

"You have pen marks on your right hand but your watch indicates you are left-handed, you also keep checking your phone and smiling like a parent when they're proud, so I'm guessing either your kid has hit some kind of milestone and your ex has sent you pictures or a video." Aurora analyzed, smirking when Hotch looked down at his pen-stained hand, "And I figured you have an ex because you keep spinning a ring that isn't there."

A small smile crossed the man's features at the mention of his son, but he quickly pulled the mask back over his face, looking away from the agent and over to the building they were parked beside, "So who is this contact?" He asked.

"Michael Frisk," Aurora stated, "He lives on the second floor, he's the biggest arms dealer in the city, the best to go to for discretion and weapons that are hard to find and even harder to trace, I came across him while working a teen trafficking angle. We've had him under surveillance for a couple of weeks, I managed to get ATF to begin looking through the footage of everyone that's come in and out, but it's a lot of faces and they aren't half as good as your technical analyst,"

"Nobody is," Hotch commented, "Does he know that you're an agent,"

"No, he knows me as Isabelle, it took me months to get into his inner circle, and I've been working him ever since," Aurora explained, "Your story is that you're trying to track a guy who used a 22 with untraceable ammo to try and kill you, you wanna get him before he gets you, he'll tell you what we need to know for a price," She pulled a rolled up pile of cash from her pocket and passed it to him, "He'll believe it, he's done it before for me and he trusts me so it's on you not to screw up, keep your face angry and silent, do not question him or he'll get suspicious and I'll lose his trust, then we'll get nothing and you'll be the one dealing with ATF and Andi when things go south."

Hotch nodded, agreeing to what she had said, stuffing the cash into his pocket before exiting the car and following the agent into the building, somehow the inside looked worse than the outside and smelt worse the further they got. Questionable people passed them as they headed up the inferno flight of stairs and into a water-damaged hall of doors. Aurora knew exactly where she was heading, she'd been here so many times the journey was engraved in her mind, her feet moved on auto-pilot until she reached the door she needed.

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