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"He comes into my bedroom and lays with me," The hushed voice echoed out of the phone as Aurora, Prentiss, and Reid listened to the 911 call received from inside an off-the-grid religious cult in La Plata County, Colorado a few days prior, the newest agent's dark eyes continued loosely running over the words decorating the file in her hands, "He says its god will, I'm only fifteen and I'm not the only one... please help me!"

"Do you know who the "he" is that the girl is referring to?" Aurora questioned, her eyes finding the social worker driving the beaten vehicle that she, Prentiss, and Reid were sitting uncomfortably inside, each of them used to larger SUVs for transport.

Nancy Lunde, the overworked and underpaid social worker who had been assigned to work the complex case kept her eyes on the dirt road as she revealed what little information she knew about what they were heading into, "I believe the 'he' they are referring to is the church's leader, Benjamin Cyrus,"

Reid took the file from Aurora, searching for more information, his eyes darting across the few pages that were there in a matter of seconds, his mind permanently absorbing all the words instantly without the need for a second look, "Benjamin Cyrus, no criminal record," He flipped over to the last page, finishing it in less time than it takes to change gears, "No record at all really, what else do you know about him?"

"It's rumored that he is practicing polygamy and forced marriages," Lunde revealed,

"Any idea who the caller is?" Prentiss asked, eyes fixed on her own file.

Changing the stiff gears with force, Lunde continued guiding the car carefully down the rocky dirt path, further away from the rest of civilization, "Uh, Jessica Evanson is the one whose age fits, but we can't be sure so I negotiated interviews with all the kids, it wasn't easy,"

Prentiss turned in her seat beside the social worker to face Aurora and Reid who were cramped in the back of the car, she stripped herself of her gun and badge, slipping it into a box that would fit beneath her seat. Reid handed her his gun and badge as well as the fake ID that Garcia had made before the trio left Quantico, "Considering their views on outsiders, it would be best if you didn't identify us as FBI, just use our real names and introduce us as child victim interview experts, to not bring about suspicious around the number of us, say that Aurora is a trainee shadowing us to gain experience," Prentiss explained to the woman, who nodded, already familiar with what she had to do,

"Why am I the trainee? Reid is younger," Aurora remarked,

"By like... two years!" Reid countered,

"The wrinkles in your forehead have people thinking otherwise," Aurora shot back,

"Whatever," Prentiss butt in, "Just go with being a trainee its what they've been told, now hand over your weapons, we'll be there in a minute," She ordered, her voice firm and filled with authority, mimicking the tone Hotch had starting using with Aurora who huffed and moved awkwardly in the vehicle, unbuckling her thigh holster, and reluctantly handing it over to the agent, "And your ankle weapon," Prentiss added, within a matter of seconds the second gun was in Prentiss's hands, "Any other weapons?" She questioned, Aurora frowned and after a moment pulled a knife from her heeled boot, another from her waistband, and a small piece of rolled-up wire from her sleeve, "Is that it?" Prentiss questioned once her shock subsided.

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