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S4 EP3 - Minimal Loss

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S4 EP3 - Minimal Loss

Prentiss and Reid watched, their eyes wide and filled with fear as she struggled against him, they had to hold themselves back, both of them wanted desperately to help her but she silently ordered them to stand down and keep their covers intact, her forceful glare keeping them still as she was dragged down one of the tunnels, Cyrus's hands wrapped around a portion of her hair he used to keep her behind him, her feet struggling to keep her up.

He pushed her through a wooden door and into a makeshift storage room, the shelves filled with items unused for years and pieces of decor covered in dust. His grip on her hair tightened as he pulled her to her feet, his fist colliding with her ribcage, sending her stumbling back, gasping for air, she held herself back from retaliating as her instincts told her to, she knew fighting him would make the punishment worse or potentially risk him hurting Prentiss or Reid in retaliation. So she remained still, taking the beatings to protect them.

The remainders of BAU, who were listening closely struggled to hold themselves together as they heard him strike her again, this time in the jaw before throwing her against a wall, her body striking a hanging mirror with enough force to shatter it, reflective shards slicing open the flesh on her forearm, blood running across her skin as her body hit the concrete flooring, she grunted, glancing up at the window.

She knew they were listening and she knew they would be doing everything possible to restrain themselves because while they did not know her the way they did Prentiss and Reid, it wouldn't be easy for them to hear her cry out when the sect leaders knee-struck the side of her ribcage, "I told you not to put me in this position!" He yelled, his foot striking her abdomen again before pulling her from the ground, "Get up!"

His fist collided with her left cheek, sending her stumbling back, using the wall for support, a small cut opening along her cheekbone, "Proverbs 20:30 tells us that blows and wounds cleanse away evil," Hitting her once again, hoping to knock her down. Still, she remained standing, her hands coming away from the wall she used to steady herself on her feet as she recovered, she looked up at him, her eyes held no fear, angering him further.

"I can take it," She said, her voice shaken and weak, she glanced at the windows, blinds didn't cover them and the glass was thin enough that the mics the team had on them would pick up what was being said, but only if she was loud enough, "I can take it," She repeated, her voice much firmly and louder so they would hear her, so they could listen to her, "You hear me, I can take it, I can take it,"

Despite their desires to help her, they heard her and respected her decision, they knew who she was even if they didn't know her well; she would take the beatings and the pain if it meant protecting Prentiss, Reid, and the followers who would get caught up in the shootout if they raided the building too soon, "Oh you can take it?" Cyrus questioned, amused. He kicked out his leg, hitting the side of her knee, knocking her off balance, her weakened body hitting the ground, she let out a gasp when his foot collided with her chest, "Pride comes before the hall,"

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