Chapter 4: The Elusive Date Night

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I, had been looking forward to this day all week. I wanted to take my busy wife, Freen, out on a date after work.

I knew she'd been working hard, and I wanted to give her a break. I wanted to make her smile and forget about the office for a while.

I walked into the kitchen, where Freen was preparing dinner. "Hey, love," I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. "How about we go out for dinner tonight? Just the two of us?"

Freen hesitated, her eyes flicking to the clock on the wall. "I don't know, Heng. I've got a lot of work to do."

I knew that look. She was trying to wriggle out of it. But I wasn't giving up easily. "Come on, Freen. Just for an hour or two. We can talk about something other than work for a change."

Freen sighed, and I could tell she was wavering. "Okay, fine. But just for a little bit."

I grinned, triumphant. "Great! I'll pick you up at 7?"

As the evening approached, I couldn't help but feel excited. I had missed spending time with my wife, just the two of us. We used to go out all the time, laughing and talking into the night. But lately, work had taken over, and our dates had become few and far between.

I arrived at Freen's office at 7 PM sharp, dressed in my best shirt and jeans. She emerged from the building looking stunning in a red dress, her hair loose around her shoulders. We exchanged a brief kiss before heading to the car.

As we drove to the restaurant, I tried to engage Freen in conversation, but she seemed distant, her mind elsewhere. I attributed it to work stress and tried to steer her towards more lighthearted topics. But no matter how hard I tried, she kept zoning out, her gaze drifting away from me.

At the restaurant, we ordered our food and made small talk, but the connection we used to share was missing. Freen's thoughts seemed to be elsewhere, and I couldn't help but feel hurt. Was work really that consuming? Did she not want to spend time with me anymore?

As the night wore on, I tried to shake off the feeling of disappointment. I knew Freen loved me; I just needed to find a way to recapture her attention, to remind her of the love we shared. I wasn't giving up. I would keep trying, no matter what.

As we finished our meal and headed back to the car, I reached for Freen's hand, hoping to rekindle some of the spark we once had. But she pulled away, citing a sudden headache. I drove her home in silence, feeling defeated.

As we pulled up to the house, Freen turned to me with a forced smile. "Thanks for tonight, Heng. I really appreciate it."

I nodded, trying to hide my hurt. "Anytime, love. Get some rest, okay?"

As I watched her walk into the house, I couldn't help but wonder what was truly going on in her mind. Was work really the only thing consuming her thoughts? Or was there something more? I made a mental note to keep trying, to find a way to reconnect with my wife and bring back the love we once shared.

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