Chapter 7: Unexpected Encounter

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Freen entered the office early in the morning, thinking she was the only one arriving at such an hour. She walked up the stairs, her heels echoing off the walls. As she approached her office, she heard a faint noise coming from the lounge room. Curiosity piqued, she walked towards the room, her eyes scanning the space.

That's when she saw Becky, dressed in a crisp white button-up shirt, a black blazer, and a black tight mini skirt. Becky was bent over the table, reaching for something. Freen's gaze lingered on Becky's curves, her eyes tracing the lines of her body. She couldn't help but feel a spark of surprise and curiosity.

As she approached, Becky straightened up, holding a folder in her hand. Their eyes met, and Freen felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. Becky's eyes seemed to sparkle in the morning light, and for a moment, they just stared at each other.

"Good morning, Becky," Freen said, trying to sound calm. "What brings you here so early?"

Becky smiled, her lips curling up. "Good morning, Freen. I could ask you the same thing. I was just dropping off some papers for the meeting later."

Freen nodded, her eyes still fixed on Becky. "Ah, right. I was just getting a head start on the day."

They stood there for a moment, the tension between them palpable. Freen couldn't help but notice the way Becky's hair fell in soft waves around her face, the way her eyes seemed to dance with amusement.

"Well," Freen said, breaking the silence, "I'll let you get back to work. I have a lot to do before the meeting."

Becky nodded, her smile still in place. "Of course. See you later, Freen."

As Freen walked away, she couldn't shake off the feeling that their encounter was more than just a chance meeting. She couldn't help but wonder what Becky was doing in the office so early, and why she felt a strange sense of excitement at seeing her.

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