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(Sorry for da mispelled wrds)

THE TWO niggas we're in darrian's room, they we're having fun until darrian said that he lost his ring.

-"bro did you find the ring" darrian asks david

-"no nigga did you"

-"no, i swear to god ima freak out bro"

-"bro chill we gon' find it don't worry my heart" david says and hugs darrian

Darrian was so nervous in that moment i mean, who wouldn't?, he literally has the boy he has been in love with since years. His heart was beating too fast, it was about to explode out of his chest. then he pulled out

-"cmon let's continue"


After hours and hours they still haven't found the ring, but david didn't give up, he wanted darrian to find his ring he wanted darrian to be happy.

-"bro dd it's okay ima have to but another one, it's been five hours since we started searching"

-"nah i ain't stopping until i find that shit"

-"alright but do you want some food"

-"sure just order me my daily stuff"

-"ok my heart"

David stayed searching for it until he found it, it was in one of darrian's nightstand's drawers, but he saw something not so darrian, well not so male thing?.

-"yo i found it but why do you have fucking pads here, do you have a girl or some shit"

-"oh yeah sure yeah i have a girl yeah"

-"damn you ain't tell me bruh"

-"shut up and give me my ring pussy"

-"who you calling a pussy huh"

-"you nigga who else" darrian yells at david.

David quickly pinned darrian to the wall leaving darrian an shocked face and a fast beating heart.

-"so im a pussy huh"

-"b-bro shut up and give me my ring" darrian says hating himself for stuttering

-"aight here" david hands him the ring

'I have to stop getting so nervous when he do that' darrian thinks


Aii a Little long i think but happy valentines day mhs:)

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