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DARRIAN as soon as he entered he went straight to the kitchen , he was so hungry he could literally eat a human . Well he could eat david too but the dirty way .

Anyways , he cooked himself a sandwich and devoured it straight away.. like he would devour david , whatever after eating his sandwich he went to davids room to chill with him .

When he got there he saw david shirtless , on just boxers and smoking a blunt .

" Yo my heart " david says before getting up and hugging darrian from the waist . " W-whats up david " darrian stuttered and hugged back .

" you good my heart ? " david said looking at darrian . " yeah sure im good " darrian said trying to focus on just looking at davids eyes but obviously couldnt he kept looking um somewhere not.. Appropriate ? .

" ight you want something ? " david asked taking a hit of his blunt . " i want to be with you " darrian said . David just laughed and hugged  him , darrian obviously hugged back .

" lets play 2k darri " david said smiling to darrian . " Ight " darrian said smiling back . Darrian loved when people called him 'darri ' more if its from david obviously .

After all that they played 2k for a hour cause they got super bored and just went on the bed to chill , darrian got on top of david and went on his phone , he liked to be in that position it made him real comfortable .

David just massaged darrians waist and kissed his cheek making darrian smile and blush . " you getting real soft my heart what happening " david said to darrian

" i havent nigga what you talking bout " darrian said looking up at david " i mean you been hugging me alot , kissing me and all on me " david said " oh sorry then ill leave" darrian said getting up and putting his slides on .

" No no wait i didnt mean it that way " david said grabbing darrian . " i was just saying you been getting clingy and shit " david said before kissing darrians cheek .

" ight ill stop then nigga " darrian said " no nigga i like dont stop " david said making darrian smile " whatever bro i needa sleep fo real " darrian said " sleep with me my heart " david said to darrian " nah i aint sleeping with a monkey " darrian said making david do a angry face . " i aint no monkey "

" I was kidding my heart lets sleep " darrian said shutting off his phone and got on the bed with david " bro stop touching yo dick you been touching that shit since we were in the car " darrian said " niggas cant even touch they dick now "

" nigga stop before i stop yo dick touching self " darrian said pulling up his sweatpants . " stop me then pussy " david said challenging darrian " nah im good actually i dont wanna touch your dick hands " darrian says getting comfortable in the bed . " What ever bro "


yall skool havin me tight fr😭 but wtv ma favorite writer been ghost reading ma book😍 ( yhu kno who yhu is ) but yea ill try to update more😭

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