Chapter One: The Battle For Kupa Keep

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Ancient Zaron. 627 A.D. The Kingdom of Kupa Keep is battling the Moorish outside the Stotch and Broflovski Residence. Some of the warriors, Leopold "Butters" Stotch and High Jew Elf Kyle, were holding off the Moorish.

Butters: "The Moorish are attacking! There's Moorish everywhere!"

Kyle: "Don't let them get to our base!"

Warrior Clyde then approached the two.

Clyde: "It's too late! They've taken Kupa Keep!"

A Moorish warrior appears from the right and strikes Clyde down. From behind the fence of Kupa Keep, Jimmy The Bard climbs up the fence, calling for help.

Jimmy: "Fellas! They got the base! You gotta stop 'em!"

He was then dragged down by a few more Moorish.

Kyle: "Fight the Moorish!"

The rogue, Craig Tucker, approached Kyle and Butters.

Craig: "Their armor is too strong! They're wearing bicycle helmets!"

Kyle then looked around and was worried.

Kyle: "Where is the King?!"

Meanwhile, in a bathroom. The King, Marcus Iverson, was busy doing his buisiness on the toilet. After he finished, he let out a satisfied sigh.

Marc: "That's better."

He flushed the toilet, washed his hands, and proceeded to walk out of the room. He the stopped in the doorway when he say his parents, Kelly and Chris, were arguing in the hallway.

Kelly: "We should be happy that he's made friends in this town so quickly!"

Chris: "We came here to hide! More friends means more trouble!"

Kelly: "You're being paranoid! You need to lay off that stuff! It's changing you!"

Chris: "OH LAY OFF! It's the one thing that helps me relax from your stupid shit!"

The both of them then saw Marcus standing in the doorway.

Chris: "Oh, hey whippersnapper. Didn't see you there."

Marc: "Is this a bad time, and should this involve me?"

Chris: "Oh, no no. Don't worry, it's nothing."

Kelly: "You're friends are downstairs, kiddo. Get out there and play!"

The both of them then went there separate ways. Marc then sighed because he knows why they argue. He then walked downstairs and heard knocking on the door. He rushed to open it, only to find Kyle and Butters at the doorstep.

Marc: "Ah, High Elf and The Fighter. What trouble is this?!"

Kyle: "My lord! The filthy Moorish are attempting to overtake Kupa Keep!"

Butters: "You gotta come fight, my liege! You're our only hope!"

The three of them the walk away from the house and onto the battlefield.

Marc: "What word do we have of The Wizard?"

Kyle: "He sent the distress signal to meet him at Kupa Keep! But The Moorish are making that hard as of now!"

As the three walk down the road, two Moorish warriors appear, blocking their path.

Moorish Warrior 1: "What, you just moved to town and you get to be king? I think you're a little pussy!"

Marc stood there for a second, before punching him in the face, which started the combat phase.

Butters: "Go, King, go!"

Buttlord the Kruiser(South Park TFBW x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now