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      JOSIE GRABBED ONTO HER DAUGHTER'S HAND AS she began to run out with Glenn and the others.

      "Come on, we got four minutes!" Glenn shouted. "Come on!"

      Andrea and Jacqui made their choice to stay behind, but there was no time to convince them to come with them. The group ran for the exit, slipping into their rooms and grabbing their things before running for the stairs.

      Once they reached the top of the CDC, the group tried to pry open the shutters, but it was no use. Josie suddenly got dizzy and started to breathe heavily, resting her hands on her knees.

      "You all right?" Glenn asked as he placed his hand on her back.

      "Yeah," Josie nodded. "Probably just my concussion."

      Daryl and Shane took their axes and began swinging at the glass, trying to break it, but nothing happened. The glass didn't even break after Shane fired his gun, and T-Dog throwing a chair didn't even work.

      "The glass won't break?" Sophia asked as she clung onto Josie.

      "Rick!" Carol called as she fished through her bag. "I have something that might help."

      "Carol, I don't think a nail files gonna do it," Shane said.

      "Okay, sexist bitch," Josie muttered as she glared at Shane.

      "Your first morning at camp," Carol said. "I washed your uniform, I found this in your pocket."

      She pulled out a grenade as Glenn pulled Josie and Parker away from the window, Rick pulled the pin and quickly sprinted away from as the explosion shattered the window.

      Josie's ears were ringing as she lifted her head up before Glenn pulled her to her feet. Parker held onto her mother's hand tightly as they made their way towards the broken window.

      "Rick!" Glenn shouted to get his attention.

      Rick turned and noticed how much Josie was out of it and he helped her and Parker down. Glenn was behind her, just in case she fell as they ran across the courtyard outside the CDC. Once they made it to the RV, Glenn pushed her and Parker inside and closed the door after everyone else piled in.

      Rick went to start the RV, but Josie noticed Dale and Andrea climbing out of the broken window. "Rick, wait!"

      Lori stuck her head out the window and shouted for them to get down. Josie went towards the back and ducked to the ground along with everyone else, she pulled both Carl and Parker to her chest.

      The CDC blew up and she felt the entire RV shake as she held the kids closer. Once it all stopped, Rick stood up along with Josie and the others.

      "Holy shit..." Josie mumbled as she looked at the flames, then a wave of dizziness hit her as Dale and Andrea climbed into the RV.

      Lori walked over to Josie and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you okay?"

      "Yeah," Josie nodded. "Just a little dizzy."

      "Here, sit down," Lori said as she led her to the bed in the RV.

      Lori handed her a water bottle and some ibuprofen, Josie took it with a smile as Glenn and Parker joined the brunette in the back.

      "How're you doing?" Glenn asked.

      "I'm fine," Josie replied. "Just dizzy when I stand up."

      "Well, get some rest," Glenn said. "We got a hundred and twenty-five miles to go."

      "Fort Benning, huh?" Josie guessed.

      "You would be correct," Glenn nodded.

      "Great," Josie sighed.

      "I know what we could do to pass the time," Parker told them.

      "What?" Glenn asked.

      Parker pulled out a deck of cards from her bag. "I got them from the rec room. Wanna play?"

      "Sure," Glenn nodded.

      "Oh, you're so going down," Josie smiled, placing her water to the side.

      The RV began to move as Parker opened the deck of cards and passed them out. Who know what they would encounter on their journey to Fort Benning, but for now, they would have a little bit of fun.

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