Light Bulb Moment

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The day of the fun run was here.

Katie had the help of Doris to get more flags so she could make it through the race. Oliver helped "save" the girl he had a crush on from getting attacked by zombies. In turn dying for
Young love.

Katie ran into Taylor at an obstacle.

"Mom! I didn't think you'd make it this far."

"That's what I thought about you when you rolled off the changing table at three months. Is Viv gone? Did they kill her and eat her brains?"

"Nah, when we came off the long course, some zombies chased her up a tree."

Katie makes a small yell of victory.

"Viv's going down!"

They both started to climb up the obstacle while continuing to talk.

"Why are you so obsessed with Viv?" Taylor asked, really confused by her mothers actions.

Letting out a sigh the women responded. "Okay. If I'm going to be real. I guess I am just a little jealous."

"Of what?"

"Remember our BBF Club?"

"Yeah, Best Buds Forever."

"Just you and me, nobody else. Pinky swears to keep each other's secrets."

They both laugh with each other about the memory.

All of a sudden a zombie comes up behind them and goes for Katie's flag. Instead of getting the flag all he got was a face full of her foot.

"Not now!" Katie yelled at the man now on the ground in pain.

"What the hell, lady? It's just a fun run."

Doing what Katie Otto does best she ignores the person she hurt.

"Look, I get it. 14 is the age where you're supposed to push your mom away."

Interrupted again by the man complaining to someone about what the women did.

"Shut Up!" She yells back at the man. Then immediately going back to Taylor. "But I just don't want you to turn into Viv. I know it's selfish but I want you to turn into me."

"Mom, Please. I'm not gonna turn into Viv. She has some great clothes, but her life is kind of sad."

This grabs the mothers attention.

"How so?"

"Well, she's new in town. She has zero friends. I mean, she's obvi-kind of desperate, hanging with a 14-year-old."

"I mean, obvi. What about her own kids?"

"Her two step sons are so mean. You know what they call her? Nothing. They won't even acknowledge her. And her husband is never, ever home.She's actually pretty lonely."

"And that's why you've been hanging out with her. You, my sweet girl, are pretty amazing."

"Thanks, Mom." Taylor giggles.

Then a group of zombies grabs Taylor and tries to pull her away. Katie grabs her hand.

"Sorry, honey, for everything, but I still gotta win!" Letting go of her own daughter's hand. All so she could beat Viv.


While everyone was at the fun run Lilly was hanging out at her job.

She got to know her coworkers a lot better today. Seeing as they only had 5 customers today there was a lot of down time.

She found out that Betty the sarcastic barista, was married to the Duke, the man that made the best cinnamon rolls anyone could ever have. They moved here after they decided they needed a change after Dukes mother had past.

Betty, the sweet woman that hired Lilly, knew Duke's mother, and decided to hire them to help them out. They honestly seemed like a family that had been together forever. Lilly felt very great to be welcomed in with open arms.

She honestly felt like crying when Cat gave her a hug when they met. She couldn't remember the last time she had a hug.


Katie could see the end, and could almost taste the victory. But she could also see Viv limping trying to catch up to her but was still pretty far behind. Katie genuinely could see herself winning this.

Until her favorite child, Anna-Kat ran at her ripping her last flag off the belt. Ripping her heart out with it.

Viv limped across the finish line.

Maybe she was dramatic about her heart being ripped out. Their neighbor really did look like she needed this win. So maybe Katie shouldn't be too upset about this. She had an amazing family. A loving husband and kids that, yes, can drive her crazy most days but she couldn't imagine her life without them.

Well maybe she could but she wouldn't want to.


After they all met up after the run was over they decided they wanted to grab some food. Katie was too tired to even come up with an idea of what to make for dinner. As they were walking she happened to look through the window of the shop on the corner.

To her shock she saw her other daughter laughing, with her head held back, and a huge smile taking up her face. She thought forma moment and couldn't remember the last time she saw her daughter this happy.

It made her start to rethink her relationship with her. Especially after she was so scared of losing Taylor to Viv.

It made her realize she hadn't even noticed she had lost Lilly a long time ago, and it was her own fault.


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