The New Power Couple

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"Alright, we have another school event to go to." Katie said as she walked into the dining room where her kids were.

"Mom, what's going on? You hate being involved. You always say being involved is for busybodies and people with dead marriages." Oliver asked.

"This is for Anna-Kat."

This made the older kids nod understandably.

"Okay. Nobody died last night and nothing burned down. It's a low bar, but you cleared it. Do that again. And don't eat my good almonds. You've been warned." Greg joined in, with a weird, almost pep talk.

"Before you guys leave, I just want to remind you that Lucas is coming over to study. He wants to catch up before he goes back to school." Lilly wanted to make sure they remember by red so she wouldn't get in trouble.

With no response, the parents left out the front door.


Lucas and Lilly were in the middle of going over chemistry.

There was a soft knock on the girl's door. They shared a questioning look, before she got up to check.

When the door was opened she was met with a sad looking Anna-Kat holding one of her horses.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?"

"Taylor and Oliver decided to ditch me. They don't want to play ponies with me. They just want to watch their movie."

It broke Lilly's heart to hear this. Even though she wasn't super close with Anna-Kat, she still didn't want to see her sad.

Looking over her shoulder at Lucas she asked. "Would you be okay with it, if we took a small break?"

"Sure. Anna-Kat would you be okay if Lilly and I played ponies with you instead?" He asked while walking to were the two girls were.

The little girl's face lit right up. Now with a pep in her step. "Totally! Let's go! There are so many ponies for you to choose from! Come on!" She grabbed both the teens hands and dragged them to her room.


The "short break" ended up being 30 minutes. This was the longest time Lilly had spent with Anna-Kat. They were laughing and playing.

Lilly felt like she was finally given a chance to connect with her younger sister. Usually she's made to feel like she wasn't worthy of spending time with Katie Otto's favorite child.

Anna-Kat decided that there needed to be snacks.

As she went down stairs, the teens started to talk.

Lucas Bradford reached out and grabbed her hand. Looking at her with caring eyes.

"I know we've only known each other for a little while, but I really like you. You're the first person here to treat me like an actual human. I wasn't originally planning to ask you out in your sister's bedroom while playing ponies, but I feel like this is perfect. I'd love to one day be able to call myself Lillian Otto's boyfriend. If you'd let me?"

Her eyes got glassier with every second of his speech. She couldn't form words. So the next best thing was to catapult herself into his body. They ended up on the floor. His arms wrapped around her as she cried.

"I'm hoping this is a yes."

She raised her head off his chest to look at him. "Yes, I would love that."

"Good. I do have to warn you, my love language is physical touch. So if you're okay with it, I'd love to be able to hold your hand in public, wrap my arm around you and just be able to show you how much you mean to me."

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