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Authors note:
It starts off a little slow this chapter.
I promise there will be more Lilly content in the next chapters.<3


The Otto household seemed to be run solely by Katie Otto. The mom of the house. The cook, cleaner and driver.

Anna-Kat was busy rubbing Purell all over, Oliver talking about how he was going to become rich while simultaneously complaining about how not having matching plates makes them poor. Taylors asking for her permission slip to be signed.

All while the "quiet one" also known as lily was sitting off to the side reading a book. She was used to being the loner in the family. She had her twin taylor but they weren't close. They were once inseparable but once they got older Taylor became interested in boys and being popular.

Taylor started to hate her because when they moved to westport, she had heard about lily sleeping with the boy. Lily continuously said she hadn't but Taylor was too hurt to listen to her excuses. From that day on they hadn't had a conversation not to lily's lack of trying.

Greg walks down the stairs as the laptop on the counter pinged. Bending over to see what the notification was.

"Peter Felton sent you an email?"

Katie rushes over to look.

"Huh. My old job has opened up again. Before he hires someone else he wants to know if I'm interested."

"Yes" Greg says as if it is a no brainer. "I mean you are, aren't you? No? Only if you want to. Do you? You should take the floor on this." He added after getting a death glare from his wife.

"Greg. You realize if I worked, we would have to hire someone to clean the house and watch the kid. So that would only be about," Katie holds up her hand with her index and thumb close together. "this much extra money."

"Oh, we wouldn't have to hire someone else to clean the house. You could do it on saturdays." He quickly realized what he said. "I retracted that. Obviously."

Shrugging her shoulders as she replies. "I'll think about it. He wants to know by the end of the day. Can you drive Taylor to soccer this afternoon?"

"Oh. I'd love to but I have to go to campus to give a lecture."

With a sigh Katie yells upstairs "Taylor, Oliver in the car." She turns to where Anna-Kat is in the dining room putting more Purell on herself. "Anna-kat, Anna-kat it will sting if you put it there."
Then started to walk towards the door completely forgetting about lily in the living room. Even though she wasn't addressed she still got her things and squished herself into the back seat with Oliver in the middle.


"Mama, Oliver hit me in the nuts."Anna-Kat says from her seat in the back.

"Sweety, girls don't have nuts." Katie responds

"I'm pretty sure they do."

"I didn't hit her. I gave her her water bottle." Oliver defends himself.

"Yeah, and you slammed it hard right in my nuts."

"In her defense some girls do have nuts." Lily says.

"Okay I'm too tired for this, and Lily don't go against what I say. Everybody out" Katie said

"Mom, you're supposed to wait till we're at the front of the line." Taylor tries to remind her mother of the rule.

"Not today.Out."

Everyone starts to get out.

"You cant let them out here" Crossing guard Sandy raises her voice at the adult Otto.

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