EIGHT / To You Who Swallowed The Sun.

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CHAPTER EIGHT( To You Who Swallowed The Sun )

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( To You Who Swallowed The Sun )

THE WORLD TAKES and takes from Cha Jaehwa, and perhaps in a past life she had let it take as it so chose to, but not this time.

She is hardly anything but bones and rotting flesh, caging the last of her oxygen-lacking lungs and loveless heart beneath her jagged ribs.

Ahn Suho leaves a crater in her chest, digging into her ribs and prying them apart to steal what had always belonged to him anyway — Jaehwa's heart.

He takes a piece of it, anyway.

It is all too odd, all too consuming, that Yeon Si-eun is the one who gives it back to her.

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‎MOVING AWAY FROM the place Ahn Suho had left her seems like a surmountable chore Cha Jaehwa lacks the energy to overcome.

Her feet stay rooted to the floor, bitter tears agonizing the concrete floor she so gracefully sits on.

Ahn Suho feels like a dagger to her chest and simultaneously an ache in the back of her head, throbbing and digging and hurting.

( For once, she does not want to let him ).

The school bell rings before Jaehwa makes any move to sit up from the piece of pavement that keeps her on the floor, muscles burning and eyes stinging with something far heavier than just tears.

She ignores the tremors against the floor, ignores the hoard of uniform-clad zombies that rush out of school just to head to another. What she cannot ignore — However much she wishes to — Is the twisted and crumpled face of Yeon Si-eun.

It is something Jaehwa cannot ignore, because the boy seems to battle with himself before he blocks the sun from Jaehwa's eyes and she is forced to look up at him.

( If Ahn Suho is the Sun, Yeon Si-eun is the one who swallows the Sun ).

"Why are you here?" He asks, and Jaehwa finds his smooth annoyance a contrast to Suho's rough tone.

Jaehwa looks at him, and perhaps Yeon Si-eun allows the silence to stretch simply to stare at the tears clinging to her lashes and the uneven flush against her cheeks with a frown.

"I remembered something." Jaehwa does what seems like the only thing she's good at — Lie.

Yeon Si-eun looks at her with those big, sad eyes and Cha Jaehwa feels the world behind his face fade into an incessant buzz in her ears.

He sighs, but he doesn't look angry. Perhaps Jaehwa has spent too long looking at his face to know such a thing. Her chest aches.

"Let's go." Si-eun offers her a hesitant hand, and Jaehwa wipes her tears hastily, clinging to the lifeline he's offered as though he might recoil in disgust and take back all that his eyes have said.

Her lips curve into a small smile. Cha Jaehwa doesn't remember Yeon Si-eun, but she knows he is someone she will never forget again.

( She takes his hand. It is undeniably warm, and Jaehwa feels happy ).

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YEON SI-EUN IS beautiful. From his mess of hair, big eyes that feel as though Cha Jaehwa can drown within them, chapped lips that never smile, to his hunched frame.

He is — At the very least, for her — Something new. Something Jaehwa can welcome without that ache in her chest because Yeon Si-eun is just like her, and that means that he knows her in a way so intimate that transcends any type of strings.

Warm, something Autumn should not be, is Yeon Si-eun. Perhaps he too had been Spring or Summer, graced by the palm of heat and caressed in an eternal warmth, but it faded away into cold and left Si-eun nothing but a shell of what he once was.

Cha Jaehwa decides she quite likes Autumn. It's far more sweet than Summer, and she has long forgotten the feeling of Spring. She is sick of Winter, sick of being cold and tired, and everything she had once kept below the surface of her skin.

So she sticks with Autumn. With Yeon Si-eun. Beneath all those frowns and glares, he never once says no, because Jaehwa knows he's secretly kind.

( For once, her wretched heart learns to beat for someone new ).

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felt like updating for the loml si-eun so here's an actually cute chapter !!

also super short again but i when the motivation hits i have to write 😓

btw jaehwa still loves suho she js a mess rn 😭

if u guys have any suggestions for next chapter lmk PLEASEE bc i actually have no idea what im doing 😊 also opinions and so on would be appreciated xx

other than that pls lmk if there are any mistakes in the spelling or anything so i can fix it !

also don't b afraid to vote or comment, i will probably (very likely) reply!!!! and if you don't understand something, plsplspls lmk!! i want yall to fully understand what's going on

happy reads!


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