Sk8er bo1

35 1 8


Y/n's pov:

Kody:what happened?

Andrew:did u win the lottery

Y/n:drew if I won the lottery I would've never called y'all-

Andrew: so what happened then?

Y/n: so after we walked home.. HE GAVE ME A HUG BYE!?!

Kody: oh Em gee! Girl he wants you so bad

Andrew: finally! It took you like twenty years

Y/n: im so happy.. maybe it will work out-

K/A: hope so..

Y/n: mkay well I'll see y'all at see y'all at school bye guys

K/A;'s byee~!

Finally I hung up the phone and fell back into my bed. 'God I really like this guy' thought to myself before I heard my mother slowly walk to my door and knock. " Hey sweetie.. dinners ready but... There's someone I want you to meet... I just want you to be super nice to him. I really like him" my mom said standing at my door before going back downstairs. I got up and cleaned my self off, then made my way downstairs to the kitchen to see... MR.FUCKING MUSTAINE?!?! I stood at my chair shocked before finally sitting down my mom decided to speak up after us being silent for half of the meal. " So a Y/N this is Dave... Dave this is Y/N" my mom said... I awkwardly waved at him as he said hi back, I ate my food while my mom and Dave talked. " Can I go to my room now please?" I asked looking at my mom who is holding hands with Dave. She looked at Dave who had a smirk on his face before nodding and
saying good night...

Stephen's pov:

Chino screamed as he lost to a in some game I didn't even know I had while She and I sat behind them, just chilling and laughing at them struggle " Since, when was he so good?" Chino said yelling

Chi – so... How did the project go with Cody and Y/N? *looking over at Steph*

Steph – we got some work done to Cody had to go and it was just me and y/n

Abe – dawg prolly exploded Being alone with Y/N *laughing while looking at them*

Steph – did not*rolling eyes*

Chi– well, what happened after he left?...

Steph – the fuck!? Is this a damn interview

Chino – yes buddy now answer the question.

Stephen – we went to my room and watch TV... Walked her home and gave her a hug by*shrugs shoulders*

Abe – W Rizz

Chi Dash for real – she talk to you once you man

Narrative POV:
After the group yapping for hours, they all decided to go home and go to sleep.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to my alarm blaring the most annoying sound known to mankind. *6:00 AM*I got up and did my morning stuff and made my way downstairs at 6:15... I went to the kitchen to see my own mother on the counter, with Dave in between her legs, making out... "oh god" I said, covering my eyes and walking to the fridge. "Jesus! Sorry honey.. I didn't know you came down here "  my mom said, hopping off the counter and fixing herself up. " Yeah, yeah too late Mom". I said grabbing milk from the fridge and grabbing cereal from the top. I grabbed a huge cup and served myself a good bowl of cinnamon toast crunch before putting everything back.
" All right bye" I said, heading to the front door with my cup of cereal. Sliding my shoes on I open the door and made my way to the bus stop. As I waited for the bus, I can see a group of people coming my way... it was Stephen and his friends... " Hey Y/N". Stephen said standing next to me while his friends said hi as well " Oh hi guys" I said, smiling and taking another bite cereal " So why slash in it... We're gonna go to the mall after school you wanna go your friends can come to" Stephen asked as I saw the bus turn the corner and make it's way to us "umm sure I'll go" I said, while the bus pulled up. He smiled at me and got on the bus. I was gonna say next to Cody, but he was already sitting next to Jake so I sat across from him and Stephen sit next to me... "so what are we gonna do at the mall?" I asked looking over at him "idk we're just gonna walk around and do what ever " He said, as the bus stopped at Andrews bus stop. The rest of the bus ride was chill , Stephen and I talked half the time, even though my heart was flying through my chest

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