3. Cartman X Reader

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Once upon a time in the quiet mountain town of South Park, there was a boy named Eric Cartman. He was known for his loud mouth, selfish antics, and insatiable appetite. Despite his flaws, there was a certain charm about him that drew people in, even if they often regretted it later.

Then there was Y/N, a new student who transferred to South Park Elementary. Y/N was kind-hearted, intelligent, and compassionate—a stark contrast to Cartman's abrasive personality. From the moment they met, there was an undeniable tension between them.

At first, Cartman didn't pay much attention to Y/N. After all, he had his schemes to cook up and his friends, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, to torment. But Y/N's presence lingered in the back of his mind, like a puzzle he couldn't solve.

As weeks passed, Cartman found himself inexplicably drawn to Y/N. He'd catch himself stealing glances across the classroom or feeling a pang of jealousy when they laughed with someone else. It was a feeling he couldn't shake, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it.

One day, fate intervened when Cartman found himself paired up with Y/N for a science project. Despite his protests, there was no escaping it. Reluctantly, he trudged over to Y/N's desk, mentally preparing himself for the inevitable disaster.

To his surprise, working with Y/N wasn't as awful as he expected. They fell into an easy rhythm, bouncing ideas off each other and laughing at each other's jokes. Cartman discovered a side of himself he never knew existed—a softer, more vulnerable side that Y/N seemed to bring out effortlessly.

As the days turned into weeks, Cartman found himself opening up to Y/N in ways he never thought possible. He shared his fears, his dreams, and even his insecurities, something he'd never done with anyone before. And to his amazement, Y/N listened without judgment, offering comfort and support in return.

Before he knew it, Cartman had fallen head over heels in love with Y/N. It was a terrifying realization, one that left him feeling exposed and vulnerable. But despite his fears, he knew he had to tell Y/N how he felt.

On a crisp autumn afternoon, with the leaves crunching beneath their feet, Cartman finally mustered up the courage to confess his love to Y/N. He stumbled over his words, his heart pounding in his chest, but Y/N's response was worth every moment of agony.

To Cartman's astonishment, Y/N felt the same way. They shared a tender kiss beneath the golden hues of the setting sun, sealing their love in the quiet solitude of the South Park mountains.

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