14. Princess Kenny X Reader

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//NOT A REQUEST, also Used Chat Gpt HEAVILY//

In a typical suburban neighborhood, a group of fourth-grade kids gathered in the backyard, their imaginations running wild as they played pretend. Among them was Y/N, the new kid in town, who had recently moved in with their family. Y/N found themselves swept up in the excitement of make-believe, but there was something different about their approach—they weren't just pretending, they were genuinely enthralled by the game.

In the midst of the make-believe kingdom, there was Prince Kenny, portrayed by one of the boys in the group. Kenny was the epitome of bravery and leadership, his makeshift sword held high as he led his imaginary knights into battle. From the moment Y/N laid eyes on him, they were smitten.

While the other kids played their parts with laughter and mischief, Y/N found themselves unable to tear their gaze away from Prince Kenny. There was a strength in his demeanor and a kindness in his actions that captivated Y/N's heart in a way they had never experienced before.

As the days went by, Y/N found themselves daydreaming about Prince Kenny, imagining grand adventures and daring rescues worthy of their beloved prince. They would steal glances at him across the makeshift castle courtyard, their heart skipping a beat every time their eyes met.

Despite their shy nature, Y/N couldn't resist the pull they felt towards Prince Kenny. They longed to be by his side, to join him in his noble quests and perhaps even win his admiration.

One afternoon, during a particularly epic battle against imaginary dragons and evil sorcerers, Y/N found themselves paired with Prince Kenny in a daring rescue mission. As they fought side by side, their bond deepened, and Y/N felt a surge of courage unlike anything they had ever known.

After the battle was won and the imaginary kingdom saved, Y/N mustered up the courage to confess their feelings to Prince Kenny. With trembling hands and a racing heart, they poured out their admiration and affection, unsure of what his response would be.

To their delight, Prince Kenny's face lit up with a smile, and he reached out to take Y/N's hand in his. "I've been hoping you'd say that," he confessed, his cheeks flushed with happiness.

From that moment on, Y/N and Prince Kenny became inseparable. They continued to explore their imaginary kingdom together, their friendship blossoming into a beautiful love story that transcended the boundaries of their pretend world.

As they grew older, their bond only grew stronger, and they remained by each other's side through every adventure and challenge that life threw their way. And though they eventually outgrew their days of playing pretend, the love they shared continued to shine bright, a testament to the power of friendship, imagination, and the magic of childhood dreams.

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