15. Butters X Reader

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Valentine's Day had draped the hallways of South Park Elementary School in a soft hue of pink and red. Heart-shaped decorations adorned the lockers, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of anticipation. Among the students, Butters Stotch, with his innocent charm and gentle demeanor, harbored a secret admiration for a classmate, Y/N.

As the day unfolded, Butters found himself nervously fidgeting with the carefully folded note tucked into his pocket. He had poured his heart into every word, crafting a confession of his feelings for Y/N. With trembling hands and a hopeful heart, he mustered the courage to slip the note onto Y/N's desk during recess.

Y/N, oblivious to Butters' hidden affections, found the note amidst the Valentine's Day festivities. Curiosity piqued, they unfolded it to reveal Butters' heartfelt words. A blush crept onto Y/N's cheeks as they read Butters' sincere declaration of admiration and affection.

With a mix of excitement and uncertainty, Y/N glanced across the room to meet Butters' gaze, finding him anxiously awaiting their response. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, a silent understanding passed between them.

After school, beneath the swaying branches of a secluded tree in the park, Butters and Y/N found themselves alone. The crisp February air seemed to echo their racing hearts as they stood facing each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

Butters, his cheeks flushed with nervous anticipation, broke the silence. "Y/N, I... I've liked you for so long. I couldn't keep it to myself anymore."

Y/N's heart fluttered at Butters' confession, their own feelings bubbling to the surface. With a soft smile, they reached for Butters' hand, intertwining their fingers in a gentle embrace.

"Butters, I... I feel the same way," Y/N whispered, their voice barely above a hush. "I never knew you felt this way too."

In that moment, beneath the branches of the swaying tree, Butters and Y/N's bond blossomed into something beautiful and pure. Their love, though hidden from the world, felt as vibrant as the blossoms that adorned the branches above.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the park, Butters and Y/N shared a tender kiss, sealing their newfound connection amidst the whispers of the wind and the flutter of their hearts.

From that day forth, Butters and Y/N's love story would remain a cherished secret, a silent promise shared between two kindred spirits bound by the magic of Valentine's Day. And as they walked home hand in hand, the world seemed to shimmer with endless possibilities, their hearts overflowing with the sweetness of young love.

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