9. Tolkien X Reader

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Tolkien was a quiet boy, his spirit Secretly weighed down by the burden of Eric's relentless bullying. But amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope—a spark ignited by the kindness of a girl named Y/N.

Y/N was new to South Park, her family having moved there recently. With her bright eyes and warm smile, she brought a sense of light wherever she went. It was during lunchtime when she first noticed Tolkien sitting alone, his gaze fixed on the ground as Eric and his cronies taunted him.

Unable to bear the injustice, Y/N stood up, her voice ringing clear in the crowded cafeteria. "Stop it, Eric!" she exclaimed, her words cutting through the din. "Can't you see you're hurting him?"

Eric paused, taken aback by her boldness. But before he could retort, Y/N continued, her eyes blazing with determination. "Tolkien hasn't done anything to you. Leave him alone!"

Tolkien looked up, astonishment written across his face. Nobody had ever stood up for him before, and certainly not someone as kind and courageous as Y/N. His heart swelled with gratitude and admiration.

From that day forth, Y/N became Tolkien's beacon of hope. She sat with him at lunch, walked with him between classes, and defended him whenever Eric's cruelty reared its ugly head. With her by his side, Tolkien found the strength to stand tall, no longer shackled by the chains of fear and isolation.

As they spent more time together, Tolkien and Y/N discovered a shared love for adventure and storytelling. They would often escape to the nearby woods, where they would lose themselves in tales of dragons and knights, their laughter echoing through the trees.

But amidst their newfound happiness, a shadow loomed on the horizon. Eric, fueled by jealousy and spite, sought to tear them apart. He spread rumors and lies, trying to poison Y/N's mind against Tolkien.

Yet, love proved stronger than hate. Y/N saw through Eric's deception, standing firm in her belief in Tolkien's goodness. Together, they faced the storm head-on, their bond unbreakable as forged steel.

As the years passed, Tolkien and Y/N's love only grew stronger. They stood as beacons of hope in a world filled with darkness, their courage and compassion inspiring those around them.

And though their journey was fraught with challenges, they faced them all hand in hand, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that stood in their way.

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