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Her beautiful green eyes sparkled as the lights shone on her plastic skin. Her purple dress was decorated with white lace, and a small amount of glitter. She was the perfect gift. I grab her, looking for a price tag or anything that would tell me what the doll is. "Lolita Doll, Marietta, Purple outfit" The tiny letters displayed on the tag connected to the dress. The red '$7.99' tag on the bottom of the shoe makes me almost jump with glee, I had just enough for her. I stare at the beautiful doll as I walk to the checkout line.

"Hello, did you find everything you could hope for?" The older woman asks as I hand her the doll. I nod in response, completing the transaction. I walk out of the small antique shop, bag in hand. This doll was perfect for my niece's birthday. She was turning 9 and loved dolls and the color purple. The walk to my car was short, the warm breeze making things seem calm. I get in my car and start my drive home, but something in me tells me to take the long way home. My heart races when I try to ignore it. I turn left, taking the long way home. Despite my longing for my bed and tv, it will be a bit longer today.

I arrive home, feeling relief as I carefully grab the bag containing the doll and going inside. The warm breeze was cooler, now that the sun was setting, signaling a new day will start soon. I walk into my small home, void of anything living, except my beloved cat. She runs up, and meows at me, greeting me from my adventure. She rubs against my legs, I bend down to pet her head before walking to the closet to put the doll away. Soon after retreating to my room, excitedly waiting for the day I give her the doll.

It's been a week, and finally it was time to give her the doll. I carefully set the doll in the box, making sure she looks presentable before closing the box. I carefully wrap it in a soft pink wrapping paper, being careful around the sides, then put a pretty purple bow on the top. I admire my work. Claustrophobia starts to take over me, panic sets in. I need to get her out. I rip open the wrapping paper and the box, then stop myself.

Horror takes over my body as the minutes tick down, I need to think of something to put the doll in fast. I open my closet, frantically searching, I find a light purple gift bag. I grab it and check for any old tags, nothing. I gently set the doll inside and rush to get ready for my beloved niece's birthday party. Shirt, pants, shoes, purse. I leave my hair straight. I grab the gift bag and run to my car, starting it and leaving my house quickly.

I stop at a small dollar store, hoping to find some tissue paper. I get out and run inside, ignoring the greeting of the older woman and going straight to the birthday section. Luckily, light pink was the only color left. $1.38 later, I carefully shove the delicate paper inside. I sigh and sit in the driver's seat, starting the car moments later and driving to my sister's house.

"Aunt Bridget!" My lovely niece calls out as I walk through the front door. I set the bag down as my niece ran into my arms. Her purple dress ruffled softly as it moved. "Happy Birthday!" I say, her eyes twinkle with wonder as she looks at the purple bag on the floor. "Is that for me?" She asks meekly, I nod, setting her down and picking up the bag. I look to my sister, she nods, signaling I could give her the present early. I hand my niece the bag, which she carefully takes and runs to the sofa.

She carefully pulls out the paper, and then the doll. Her eyes light up with excitement as she runs to her mother. Her excited words get muffled through the walls. After a while she runs back. "She looks like me!" She exclaims, I look at the doll. My eyebrows furrow with confusion. I thought her eyes were green, now they were a soft brown. Her black curly hair, now a light brown, pin straight. "Yeah..." I mumble as I look at how similar her and the doll now looked.

After the party I return home, still feeling off about the doll. My cat greets me happily, as she always does. I pet her and pick her up, her soft purrs bringing me comfort as I walk her over to her food bowl, setting her down softly so that I could feed her. She eats happily as I retreat to my living room couch, switching on the TV and watching whatever shows that would play on my favorite channel. Sleep takes over my body, I try to stay awake but couldn't, my eyes close and I slip into a dreamless sleep.

Months go by. Things felt normal, until my sister called me. I went to answer but it was too late. I call back, and again, and again. Fear makes my body feel numb, I slip on my shoes and grab my keys and walk to my car. Every step makes me feel like I've run 9 miles. I get in and start my car, quickly putting it in reverse and leaving my driveway. The drive was short, but it felt like an eternity. I pull into my sister's driveway and get out.

I take larger steps to get to the door before ringing the bell a few times. My sister opens the door in confusion. She asks what's wrong, I explain she called me but didn't pick up when I called. "I don't have my phone on me...my daughter has it." She says in confusion. I nod and she lets me inside. Weird, anytime someone was at the door my niece always wanted to say hello. Dread takes over my body. "Where is she?" I ask, my sister rolls her eyes. "She is fine, come with me I'll show you." She says, I nod in agreement as she ascends up the stairs and to my niece's room. I follow behind closely. She opens the door. My niece sits with her doll, watching videos on my sister's phone. She looks up and smiles. I feel my heart stop. "See, she's fine." She says, annoyance lacing her voice like ribbon on a gift.

I nod and quickly leave her house. I don't know why or how, but that wasn't my niece. It could've been how lifeless her eyes looked, or her plasticky skin. Or maybe the dolls' realistic eyes, begging for help. But that girl was not my niece. It didn't even look human. I quickly drive to the local church and run inside. The priest looks at me, confusion and concern displayed on his face. "Father, something is wrong with my niece!" I yell. "It's time for your medicine, Ms Davis." He says, but his words don't match his mouth.

"What?" I mumble. I blink a few times. The church pews slowly turn into soft padded walls. "No." I mumble in horror as the priest's robe turns into a doctor's coat. I yell no a few more times. Two security guards come into my room and grab me. "No! You have to save my niece!" I scream, but the doctor injects me with a sedative, then my medicine. I look to my left and see my chart.

Name: Bridget Marietta Davis.

Date of Birth: April 19th, 1996

Date of Arrival: August 12, 2021

Diagnosis: Severe Schizophrenia

Medication: Risperdal

Reason for Hospitalization: Tried to kill her sister's family over a doll that didn't exist.

Notes: After 3 different medications, Risperdal was the only one to get her to go back to normal. However, lately Ms Davis has been having more and more severe episodes, claiming to be driving a car, buying a doll, and talking to people that aren't there. 

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