Revealed - Wonder Woman

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Diana x fem!reader daughter

Warnings: none

Word count: 835

Summary: Y/n meets her mom's friends and their kids for the first time.

"Mom" Y/n spoke as she entered their huge apartment home before stopping in her tracks at the sight of all the superheroes in their home.

"Y/n, these are my co-workers." Diana told her daughter even though she was sure she already guessed that.

Y/n nodded pointing to all of them. "Mom I know who they are. Both sides of them. All of them."

"How?" Clark asked what everyone in the room was thinking.

"It's really not that hard to figure out." Y/n smiled trying not to laugh. I mean how did people not know was her question.

"How-" Dick went to start but didn't know how to finish since he did have to admit it was at points very obvious.

"Wait." Arthur waved a hand and turned to face Diana. "Isn't the real question here about how this young woman called Diana 'mom'?"

"You never told us you have a daughter." Bruce looked curiously at Diana. He thought he knew everything about her when he looked into her.

"None of us talk much about our 'normal' lives when we're together." Diana had a point, they never talked about their day jobs or night or part time. Never talked about their kids either and most of them had kids. So Diana just never brought it up.

"Well, do you have a name gorgeous?" Jason came over to her to ask with his signature smirk.

"Really Todd?" Damian tutted shaking his head at his older brother's cheesiness.

"Yes, really Demon's spawn." Jason rolled his eyes.

"You barely know her yet your flirting?" Damian disapproved of Jason's actions.

"That's the point of flirting, brat." Jason grumbled, pointing out the obvious.

"They always fight like this?" Y/n asked the brother that was standing next to her watching his idiot brothers.

"Pretty much." he nodded before turning to face her so he could introduce himself. "I'm Dick by the way."

"y/n." she reached out to shake his hand.

Her name has caught the other two boys' attention, which had Jason smirking. "Nice to meet you, Y/n."

Y/n smirked back at Jason before looking back to Dick. "Nice to meet you, Dick."

With that, Dick couldn't help but laugh, oh if Jason wanted this girl he'd have to work for it. Damian smirked, maybe he could like this girl.

"Hey, Man. Not cool." Jason pouted at Dick. But even with what just happened he still liked the girl. She had fire.

"So are you Diana's birth daughter or?" Damian asked very bluntly which made Dick and Jason let out a sigh and a groan.

"Ok that's enough rudeness. Demons spawn." Jason interrupted.

"Agreed" Dick stated staring down at the black haired boy.

"Its ok." Y/n said glancing at Dick and Jason before answering. "I'm kinda both. I have her DNA, and my powers are similar to hers. But she didn't birth me."

Damian nodded. "Interesting." An with that he turned and walked away.

"Ok then." Y/n nodded not knowing what exactly just happened.

"He's always that rude." Jason told her noticing her expression.

"Good to know." Y/n nodded this time in understanding.

After an hour or two later Diana looked over towards her daughter before telling her. "Y/n, sweetheart. Time for us to go home." The mother and daughter had more than one home and if they were gonna go to Themiscrya they would need to leave soon.

"Okay" Y/n answered turning to get numbers to stay in contact. After all, she just made some new friends.

"Seem's like she became good friends with my boys." Bruce stated as they both watched their kids switching phones. Obviously exchanging phone numbers.

"Seems like it." Diana smiled agreeing with the older Wayne.

Bruce let out a sigh, he had to ask. "Why'd you never say anything Diana?"

Diana gave him a tight smile. "I wanted to keep her out of all this for as long as I could."

Diana knew Bruce would understand that one. If only every kid he took in would've wanted nothing to do with his nightly activities.

Bruce nodded in understanding. "That I understand, but you could've told us."

Diana smiled gratefully at Bruce. "I know, Bruce."

"I hope you'll bring her over to the Mannor sometime." he added Bruce knew Alfred would love the girl.

"With the way your boys are reacting I think it will be sooner rather than later." Diana smiled knowingly tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah..." Bruce sighed making Diana let out a laugh. "Well, just come over anytime. We'll all have dinner."

"Soon Bruce. I promise." Diana had to admit it did sound nice.

"Good. She's welcome at the manner anytime. Let her know that, ok?" Bruce raised his brows before turning to get his jacket so he and his boys could leave as well.

"Bruce." Diana called out stopping him in his tracks. Once Bruce turned to look at her Diana sent him a warm smile. "Thank you."

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