Solutions - Bruce Wayne

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Bruce x fem!reader (Friend)

Dick x reader (Friend)

Jason x reader (Friend-ish)

Alfred x reader (kinda friend)

Warnings: mentions of abuse

Word count: 801

Summary: His sons have a friend that doesn't have the best home life. Can Bruce find a way to help her?

Authors Note: If I made this into a series then Jason x reader might become more than friends. So far my favorite actor to play Batman is Christain Bale.

It was around 3 in the morning and Bruce was the only one out tonight on patrol. As he got closer to a neighborhood he was becoming all to familiar with, he saw who he was hoping he wouldn't. Upon Laying eyes on the figure sitting on the rooftop, Bruce headed over to that specific building to have a chat.

"Why are you up here this late?" Bruce asked as he moved to sit down next to her on the rooftop. Bruce took off his mask and turned off the voice changer. She already knew who he was thanks to his sons. Not that he minded, he trusted the young girl next to him.

"Just wanted to get out for a bit." Y/n shrugged her shoulders, kicking her feet.

"Are they fighting again?" Bruce asked having a good idea as to why she was out at this time. When Y/n nodded to his question Bruce let out a sigh. But when he saw her face when she looked at him he felt some anger coming up in his chest. There were fresh bruises forming on her cheek. An Bruce would bet anything that under jacket there were more. "It gets better." Bruce tried to keep her spirits up. But even he knew the truth.

"When?" she scoffed. "Bruce, I'm only 13. I can't get out till I'm 18 and then what?" Y/n sighed looking completely defeated. It's not like she would have anywhere to go.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked her with concerned eyes. Wishing he could do anything to help the young girl he's become close with. Someone who knows both sides of him and doesn't treat him differently for it.

"No. Sadly, there isn't anything I can think of that you or anyone can do. Bruce Wayne and even Batman can't help me out of this one." Y/n sighed with a frown. "I should go Bruce- but thank you for the talk... and for caring." she gave him an appreciative smile as she got up and headed back to the sad horrible place she has to call home.

Bruce felt the need to do something to help Y/n. She was not only Jason and Dicks friend anymore. She meant something to him and Alfred now as well. She needed help and Bruce was gonna do anything he possibly could to help her. Now he just needed to figure out how to do so.

^ ^ ^

"Alfred" Bruce called out from his home office.

"Yes, Master Bruce?" Alfred said as he entered the room.

"I have a dilemma and I wanted to run something by you." Bruce looked up at his father figure, letting out a sigh from how stressed he'd been for the last couple of hours.

"What seems to be your dilemma Master Bruce?" Alfred questioned as he sat across from Bruce.

"What would you think to me adopting- or at least trying to, another kid?" Bruce asked curiously as to the older man's thoughts on the subject.

"Would this have anything to do with that sweet girl Master Jason introduced you to?" Alfred tried to hide his smile. Master Dick and Master Jason would do good to have a sister around the house Alfred thinks.

"Her parents are always fighting to the point of it being physical. They have been verbally and physically abusive to her for the last couple of years." Bruce explained, and Alfred could see the hurt those facts caused Bruce. It hurt the older man to see.

Alfred nodded in understanding. "I have heard. Master Jason, will occasionally come home ranting about how much he wants her out of there."

"So Jason would be ok with it. What about Dick?" Bruce asked, mind running really fast.

"He cares about her almost as much as Jason does." Alfred assured him. It was extremely apparent that Dick and Jason cared about this girl. Alfred had met the young woman in question a couple of times and he loves her as if she's already family.

"What about you Alfred?" Bruce asked with what seemed like hopeful eyes.

"Master Bruce, with all due respect. As nice as it is that you are considering how the boy and I would feel about this decision. It is ultimately your decision." Alfred told the young man he raised for most of his life. Alfred got up to leave Bruce to make the decision for himself. But before he left he turned to face Bruce before leaving the room. "For the record. I would love to have that lovely young lady join this dysfunctional little family you've created, Master Bruce."

With all that said, and opinions put in. Bruce knew exactly what he was gonna do. An he's gonna put it into action starting now.

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