Chapter 8 :3

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   "You will be partners on the case."

   "WHAT?" The captain stared at him blankly. With both palms on the table, Cole took a deep breath. What ties could Kai have to the Mechanic that can cause Captain Misako to put him there on the case? That was just ridiculous.

   "When I called him in earlier we promised in exchange for information his prison sentence would be shortened, but he insisted on helping with the case. This can result in over fifty dangerous criminals being put away for good," she sighed deeply and continued. "This case is so much bigger than you might think... and we need to get detective Lloyd back." Cole rubbed his face with his hands and slouched down into his chair.

   "Okay, I can work with him, but after this he is being put away for good. No games." Misako nodded.

   A black undercover vehicle was parked outside, filled with a grouchy Cole and a half eaten cake. He was sent with Kai to stake out the Mechanic's shop much to his displease. So far it was quiet and uneventful. There was no movement around there for the past two nights, Lloyd hadn't come back yet, which is quite usual for kidnappings. Kai just grumpily sat in the car ignoring Cole, which they both agreed silently was the best course of action. It truly was a good opportunity for Kai, but hanging out with cops as a criminal gets a little... uncomfortable at times. They constanly have their hands right next to the closest weapon and their eyes are large and alert. Being uncomfortable would have to do for now as Kai investigated with the detective. Thinking about Lloyd in danger made his stomach twist in knots. Cole took a deep breath and slumped farther into his seat for the sixth time that evening.

   "I don't want this anymore than you do, but at least attempt to hide your disappointment, " Kai snapped. Shaking his head, Cole said, "If you didn't want this, you wouldn't have come."

   "What are you implying?" Kai was taken aback. "This case is clearly bigger than your obsession over me, get over it and lets try to work the case without sulking."

  "I am not sulking."

  "Yes you are."

  "Am not."

  "Are too."

   "Am not- Wait shush." Cole pointed a hand outside the window. A figure pulled over next to the shop. He carried two duffle bags in each arm and sneaked into the store. It must be an exchange, Cole thought. He twisted in his seat and took photos of the covered man before noticing the missing presence in his car.

Kai crouched behind a dirty dumpster attempting to get a closer look on the man. How did Nya not realize a criminal empire was happening at her place of work? Gosh she's oblivious, Kai thought. When he got the call for information, Kai's first thought was that he'd been caught. His second one was that this could be an opportunity to prove that he was a good person, maybe Nya would forgive him then. His third thought was that Lloyd was gone. Missing. Kai had felt the shakiness in his hands and the uneven way he took breaths. He had run with no oxygen in his lungs towards the police department, taking the first collar he saw to ask questions. Now Kai was tangled up in the mess. The Mechanic was an untrustworthy, backstabbing, ruthless criminal. Who knows what he had done to Lloyd by now? Kai shifted, ready to move closer to the building when a large hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back towards him.

   "What in the name of the First Spinjitzu Master are you doing?" Cole whispered harshly.

   "Investigating, shouldn't you know how to do that?" Kai quipped, shoving his arm free from Cole's grip.

   "You're going to get yourself killed, just barging in there," Cole looked towards the criminal's face. It was scrunched in anger, almost in an amusing way. Cole looked back to where their van stood. It wasn't close enough for the view the stubborn criminal wanted now that the exchange was inside the store. Maybe a roof could work somewhere? They could perch there and observe in the store. Would it work?

   "If we can't go in, let's head onto the roof there, we'll have a better view," Kai said, reading Cole's mind.

   The windows in the shop glowed brightly from the rooftop. Shadows moved behind the curtains and trucks were easier to spot behind the walls of the building. The two men perched on the concrete. Cole observed the Mechanic moving through the building. His arm shimmered when he moved too fast. He stayed in the top floor. A man in a dark hood stood next to him. If Cole had gotten closer maybe he would've been able to tell what they were saying, but because of a certain hothead, that option wasn't available. The night was coming to an end when the Mechanic moved outside. Cole strained over the edge of roof, trying to hear the whispered conversation. A black phone was held near the Mechanic's ear.

   "Is he putting up a fight?" His gruff voice asked someone on the other end of the line. He didn't look displeased with the answer, but he didn't look happy either.

   "If he does anything, knock him out." The Mechanis sighed, "No, don't kill him, Lloyd can still be used for leverage." The wind whistled past Cole's ear, making him miss part of the conversation.

   "You think they'll fall for it?" the Mechanic questioned. A noise echoed from the roof. His head turned with a snap at the sound of a chip bag crumpling beneath a crimson coloured boot. Crap. Cole shoved Kai downwards--hiding him behind an air vent. The Mechanic hung up the call and inspected the roof. Cole's gloved hand rested on top if Kai's mouth. Knowing it was to keep their cover, Kai didn't struggle. Thankfully, the silence kept the Mechanic at bay. Maybe it was a bird, looking for an extra snack after a hard day at work. Either way the Mechanic took that as a sign to go back inside. Cole released a breath he didn't know he was holding. The warm air tickled Kai's neck, making him realize they were much to close for comfort. Cole's arm was hugging the criminal to his body. They lingered near each other for a moment too long, until the two scampered away. Cole coughed and covered his face. 'Fudge, why was that so embarrassing?' He thought.
   He cleared his throat, "Uhm, they have Lloyd, I don't know where but they do."

   "Then we'll figure it out, right officer?" Kai said with a determined look on his face. Cole hated having to work with him and he hated agreeing with Kai even more.

   "Yeah, we can do it."

1151 words


Sorry for such a long wait :( Hoping next one will be shorter.

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