Chapter 3

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*Ashley's POV*
After rushing everyone to get ready we finally left the house after what felt like hours but was really 10 to 20 minutes. Half way through the ride we decided to stop by Starbucks for a quick drink. "Crystal what do you want?" Ebeny asked me,"I'll have a Pink Drink"i told her. Once we ordered our drinks we set off on the road again. I was quick to get and go Instagram. As soon as i checked ne notifications i screamed, "OMG!!!" Ebeny and Lexie started  to get scared when i screamed, "WHAT?!" They both screamed, "Guess who just followed me on Instagram!" ,"Who!" They said at the same time. I then showed them my phone so they could see who followed me and they looked just about as shocked as i was.
*Evans POV*
I was already back stage when i got a notification although i couldnt check it just yet as me, cam and sam were preparing for the concert that's coming up in a few hours. The first song we would be singing is Degrade Me which was easy for all of us because of the amount of times we have done it. After rehearsing for Degrade Me we had a break for a little to check our notifications and have a drink which i did all of the above. I checked my Instagram and i found out that girl who i accidentally followed was coming to my concert. After seeing her story I for some odd reason jumped up and ran over to my mirror just as Cam walked in again, "Seriously what is it with you and jumping up when i walk in the room?" He chuckles as i make myself look as presentable as possible. 'Why am I doing this don't even know whi this woman is!' I thought to myself. Just then our manager walked in and told us our break was over.
*Ashley's POV*
We have just arrived and there are like 5 minutes until the show starts so we decided to just head in. We saw that no one was there yet so we all looked at each other and ran to the very front of the stage as soon as we ran there that's when people were rushing in. We were looking around the room and that is when i caught a glipse of TX2 himself staring at the crowd from the side of the stage. He must have knew someone was staring at him because he looked straight into direction and that is when his face was in disbelief. We stared at each other before the lights went off. It was only until i heard someone talking through a microphone i realised the show was about to start. Just then i heard running on stage and spotlights came on only to reveal Cam, Sam and the one and only Tx2 himself. Right after the spotlights came on music stared playing along with the crowd screaming.

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