Chapter 4

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*Evan's POV*
I peaked my head out the curtains before the show started to see if she was here yet. I could feel someone staring at me so i looked in that direction and that's when i saw her. Shit. I was in disbelief. How could a girl this pretty be at my show and listen to this kind of music. She looks like she should be a fucking model, she's that gorgeous. I quickly realised i was staring at her and i jumped backstage as quick as i could. Once i turned around i saw Cam, Sam and Corky looking at me in confusion so i told them whats going on. With them being the nice and caring friends they are they all started pissing themselves laughing. I was just staring at them blankly waiting for the hysteria to end. Of course it ended after a few minutes. After they finished dying of laughter Cam was the first to speak, "So all of this hype and jumping around was just for this girl who you don't even know?!" They started laughing more, "Hey you don't know how she looks or acts so don't judge me!" They stopped laughing and stared at me. "Evan you don't know how she acts either." Corky said before they all started laughing again. I just walked off to get my mic and returned to the group. "So we're running on in 3, 2, 1... now!" Cam whisper yelled as we ran on stage in perfect time with the music.
*Ashley's POV*
They have just ran on the stage and the crowd has already gone wild, of course the first song they played was 'I Would Hate Me Too. This was the fist song i  was bothered to learn off by heart.
*Evan's POV*
So far the show has gone great. The crowd has been singing along to all the lyrics which was surprising. But, the worst thing is that i couldn't take my eye's of her. I still don't know her name, i think i might talk to her after the show. The last song was 'Degrade Me' and holy fuck would i have fun with this song. Just as the lyrics kicked in i pointed at her and started singing as best as i could because i may as well put the same amount of effort in for singing then i did for looks. This is so far the most fun thing i have ever done, i couldn't stop smiling. Before i could continue onto the last part which was the perfect time for me to laugh my ass off since it was cams guitar solo. It was hard for him to do as i kept laughing, he was clearly trying to hold back his laughter too. Corky and Sam were staring at their instruments so i could tell they wanted to laugh as well. I had to hold back all my laughter now which was hard since i had to sing at the same time.
*Ashley's POV*
It was the last song of the concert and of course it was on of the best songs they have released along with 'Vendetta' and 'So Numb'. Just as the lyrics came in Evan searched the crowd whilst pointing. Oh my fucking god. I screamed as he started singing. He was pointing at me.
*Evan's POV*
The song was just about to end when i jumped of the stage and grabbed her hand. After i did all of that the song was finished. Of course everyone is going wild because i jumped off stage to hold some girls hand that i don't really know. I'm right in front of her so i may as well do it all now. "Hi , whats your name?" I asked, "Ashley." So that's her name. Its pretty, but that's only fair. A pretty name for a pretty girl. "How old are you?" I questioned her again,"Im 23 years old." Ashley said proudly, "I'm loving the confidence by the way." I stated, she just chuckled it response. "Whats your sexuality? Sorry its so personal, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to." I say, "No its fine. I am pansexual and non-binary." They said this with even more confidence than before. I love it how they are so confident about who they are. "Okay last question i swear." I chuckled, they chuckled with me, "Okay so. Are you single?" The crowd went wild once again. I just told them to shut up in a playful tone. And they did. Before laughing, i swear everyone starts laughing at me today. They all stop and Ashley answers my previous question, "Yes im single." I just looked at them and said, "Great send me your address after the show and expect me to be there at 8." I winked at them and ran backstage. I couldn't get this voice out of my head that kept saying, 'Kiss them tonight. Kiss them tonight. Kiss them tonight.'  That was the only thing that was on repeat in my head. I have to do it. No not even have to i want to do it.

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