Getting started.

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Niall and Louis leaned on the counter with their drinks in hand as the scene unfolded in front of them. Louis sent a sly grin to Liam and he shot one right back at him before getting in the middle of the two individuals that were now face to face. Liam, grinning like a madman, stood in the middle of the two like he was completely oblivious to the tension that hung over them; little did they know of how much Liam actually knew. Julia was already staring daggers into Zayn’s soul, crossing her arms and turning her then happily-laughing-with-the-leprechaun face into a stoic one. Zayn didn’t look quite pleased himself, giving off an arrogant glow as he studied the girl before him.

Liam put his hand on the small of Julia’s back as he gently nudged her to Zayn’s direction. “Julia, this is one of my bandmates, Zayn. Zayn, this is my best friend, Julia.”

To say that the shock on both of their faces was apparent would be an incredible understatement. Julia’s eyes widened at Liam and Zayn’s eyebrows furrowed before they both burst out rambling.

“Bandmate?! Didn’t think Syco took in strays for talent now as charity.”

“Oh like you would know talent?”

“Excuse me but I don’t think you know who you’re talking to!”

“Yeah excuse YOU because I’m extremely sure you know who you’re talking to!”

“Oh right the arrogant prat with highlights gone wrong!”

Louis snickered at that and was already nudging Niall with his elbow in hysterics “Called it! Totally called her calling him out on his quiff!” Niall was having a hard time controlling his laughter as well, trying to cover it with his mouth as he was clearly enjoying the banter between the two.

“Alright both of you play nice! We’re here to have a good time, right? So you kids better get along.” Liam warned. He gave them both a stern look before he smiled again and proceeded to get another drink at the bar. Julia untangled her crossed arms with a huff and went straight to Louis. Zayn, with an irritated look on his face downed the drink in hand and made his way over to the crowd, looking for Harry.

“Why is he such an arrogant dick?” Julia asked. Niall chuckled at this remark before Louis responded. “And since when did you get such a colorful vocabulary little missy? I’ll have you know that we happen to love that arrogant dick…most of the time.” Both Louis and Niall laughed at this while an exasperated Julia turned to both of them “I just cannot believe he’s your bandmate! Do you have any idea what he’s put me through since I got here?” Louis was quick to answer to this. “Try to steal your cab, try to get special treatment anywhere he goes and basically fail miserably at charming into getting his way with you?” Louis had a big fat grin on his face and as he said each word, Julia’s eyes grew wide as her jaw dropped in surprise.

“You prat! You knew?! You knew him and you knew how I hated him and you didn’t tell me?! Wait--- you planned this entire run-in didn’t you?!” Julia started playfully slapping Louis’ arm as he pretended to be hurt.

“Ow! No reason to get violent love! Your fault anyway, how could you not know your best friend’s bandmates?!”

Julia tried to look like she was offended. “Hey, I at least know you!”

Louis rolled his eyes at her statement. “Right, me and who else? Come on Julia not to brag but we literally have thousands of girls chanting our names at the top of their lungs while you never even knew Niall over here before tonight!”

“I’d seen him before! Come on I’ve seen the album covers and the posters, I’m not that bad of a friend!” Julia giggled and turned to Niall.

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