Just Tea.

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Julia was frozen in the middle of her room, beaming at what seemed like nothing, really. She looked like she was going mad with her grin and then finally a couple of seconds, she screamed with excitement. "AHHHHHH!!!!" Julia jumped up and down with her phone and finally crash landed on her huge bed. With a glorious smile still fixated on her lovely face, Julia thought about how unbelievable this was. Liam was here! Of all the places to vacation at, he was here! After all of her rotten luck she's gotten since the start of this trip, things were finally looking up. She replayed their conversation in her head, just to remind herself of how well the rest of the trip could go now.

"OH MY GOODNESS WHAAAAAAATTTT?!" She practically shouted at her phone. She could hear him laughing at her outburst from the other end of the line.

"Calm down Julia! Cant believe it myself. Turns out the fates wanted us to take this vacation after all then." She was grinning like crazy but too many questions filled her head. "Wait but how could you be here right now?" Liam chuckled at this. "I should be asking YOU that. I made it completely clear that I'd still be going on vacation, despite you bailing on me like that. You, however, told me you had work. Wow, Julia now I feel completely fooled. If you didn't want to go on a trip with me you could've just said so." Now it was Julia's turn to laugh. Liam feigning being hurt was absolutely adorable, and ironically funny considering HE was the one who was always so busy and was mostly the one who cancelled their plans. "Like I would ever pass out on an opportunity to vacation with THE Liam Payne. Like, omg no waaaa-ay!" She could hear him uncontrollably laughing at this point.

"I see your American fangirl impersonation has been getting better."

"Well you lot have been getting more famous. Having more girls to copy makes it an easier task."

Liam suggested they meet for tea in about an hour or so. It was still a bit early so she had just enough time before first rehearsal.

Julia continued to smile. "Things are definitely turning up." And with that, Julia finally got up to prepare.


Liam hung up the phone and clutched it tight. Just as he was about to turn back to the room a voice directly behind him piped up. "So Liam-"


Liam dropped his phone and backed off a bit, surprised to see Niall in his way. "You trying to give me a heart attack mate?"

"Wow, what's gotten you so jumpy?" At this, Liam smiled.

"Nothing just... Got relatively good news."


"Yes, relatively. Good news for me. Not so sure about you lot." By this time, Liam was already grinning. He thought about how Zayn would take the fact that his best friend was the girl who was recently making his blood boil, and how the rest of the lads would react as well. Making his way to the living room, he left a confused Niall by the door.

Julia stared at herself in the mirror and sighed. It took her ages to finally decide on an outfit. The amount of clothes she packed astounded even her, but the fact that she finally found a closet that could fit it all was the most amazing part. The closet in her suite was a walk-in with 3 mirrors aligned at the end. A gorgeous vanity was sprawled across the left side of the closet and there were seemingly endless racks of shoes and bags on the right, her clothes everywhere else.

She looked at herself and finally smiled. "Not bad." Julia wore denim high waisted shorts and a slightly loose white shirt. She had a few bangles on her wrist and black doll shoes. 'Casual enough', she thought. She spun around a few more times to inspect her outfit before her phone rang. She put it out and saw that Liam texted and was already waiting by the tea shop near the bay.

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