Of leather jackets and snapbacks.

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Within the span of the existence of this earth, one man, although were not quite sure who, sat and wondered how we find the people we love. Yes of course you have your family you grew up with and care about, the classmates you go to school with, the childhood friends you cherish til you age, but do we ever think about if there were more people we were supposed to meet? What if we missed out on meeting someone amazing when you caught the earlier bus the other day? Or what if you went into the wrong store at the right time? The right coffee shop at the wrong time? Rescheduled a flight and didn't meet the man of your dreams?

It's amazing how these little decisions could possibly affect our entire lives, if you really think about it, there might've been hundreds of times we could've lost someone so important, without ever even knowing.

But at the same time, it's even more astonishing how all the right people seem to find their ways into our lives. How fate let's our paths cross.

Sometimes, you do walk into the right bar. Sometimes, you sit next to just the right person. And for Julia, sometimes you do walk out of the right exit and wait at just the right time.

If you really think about it, these the chances of these happening are slim, close to none

But are instances that do happen.

Just the right place, just the right time.

Although Julia seems to think otherwise.

But we'll talk about that later.

It wasnt a long flight, no. Julia slept through most of it and had adjusted to the timezone fairly well, as she should. At this point, she was so used to travelling she hardly got jetlag anymore. After the plane landed she made her way down and took in the hot air and scenery before her.

Cancun on spring break. Couldnt get any better than this.

But then again, it can. Remembering that she was only here for work, she sighed and made her way to the airport. Julia danced back up for artists all around the world, but mostly choreographed for them. She was fairly good at what she did, really, but her head was always on her work. No distractions. Not even when in one of the world's best getaways. Though she usually didn't mind missing out on a few good sights to focus on work, she still couldn't believe she was close to fully booked for her entire stay here. She pulled out her phone and texted her best friend. They were supposed to take a holiday together this week but she just couldn't pull out of work. Feeling guilty enough, she sent the text. "Just landed. Make it up to you, I swear! xx" She put her earphones in and moved to the beat while she awkwardly made went to get her bags, as did most of the other passengers

Including five boys who obviously had way too many energy drinks.

"Oi Harry! Not your bag!" A blonde boy shoved one hand up the curly haired boy's face while he attempted to snatch the bag with the other. The curly haired boy chuckled. "Did you smuggle this in or something? There IS bacon in Cancun, Niall." The blonde finally managed to snatch away the bag and held it protectively. "Fine meat, mate. You never know what kind they have here."

The curly haired boy shook his head and grinned as he waited for his bags to come round the conveyor belt. Three other boys behind them waited for theirs as well. The two looked fairly bored, blasting music through their headphones and obviously scrolling through twitter.

The other one, however, was talking into his phone like his life depended on it.

"Yes we have the directions... You already checked out its exclusivity... Surely a fangirl or two at wor- PAUL WE ARE GROWN MEN WE CAN HANDLE THIS."

The five boys attracted a fair amount of attention, to be honest. People were snapping photos from afar and a few girls came up for photos with them, but it wasn't an insane crowd that huddled around and screamed or anything. It was, after all, still a few days before spring break officially started. Not many hormone filled teenagers yet.

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