Chapter 2: Office Dynamics

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As the soft glow of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Arohi stirred from her fitful slumber, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. With just an hour's sleep to sustain her, she reluctantly peeled herself from the warmth of her bed, the familiar ache of fatigue weighing heavily on her limbs.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Arohi slipped on her slippers and made her way to the kitchen, her movements slow and deliberate. Despite the overwhelming urge to surrender to the pull of sleep, she knew that her duties awaited her—chief among them, ensuring that her younger brother had a nutritious breakfast to start his day.

With practiced efficiency, Arohi warmed a glass of milk and carefully measured out four almonds, a routine born out of love and responsibility. Placing the breakfast on the table, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at her own exhaustion, a reminder of the sacrifices she made for the ones she held dear.

Returning to her bed, Arohi succumbed once more to the embrace of sleep, the weight of her weariness dragging her into oblivion. It wasn't long before the sound of her father's voice roused her from her slumber, his gentle reminder of breakfast pulling her back to consciousness.

"Aaaa... my fingers are also sleeping," Arohi muttered groggily to herself, the remnants of sleep still clinging to her. "Please let me sink into the bed... Oh girl, wake up." With a resigned sigh, she reluctantly dragged herself out of bed, her body protesting each movement as she stumbled towards the kitchen to join her family for breakfast.

As the morning hustle and bustle faded into the background, Arohi found herself immersed in the familiar rhythm of office life. With breakfast served and household chores completed, she settled into her role at the multinational company where she worked. Transitioning from talent acquisition to employee services had been a reluctant change, but amidst the challenges, Arohi had found a few silver linings—new friends and a burgeoning crush that added a touch of excitement to her days.

As the clock struck 3 pm, it was time for the daily team huddle, a brief yet essential part of their routine. "Best team huddles start and end within 5 minutes," Arohi quipped, though today's gathering proved to be anything but ordinary. Tensions simmered beneath the surface as Riya, a member from the total rewards team, delivered a pointed message about clarity and communication.

"Aahh. She's for sure taunting me. Bitch," Arohi muttered under her breath, her frustration palpable as she bristled at the implied criticism. With the huddle concluded, Arohi's thoughts lingered on the encounter, her mind replaying the exchange over and over again.

As the Microsoft teams lines began to buzz with activity, Arjun Javalkar from the future customers group reached out to Arohi, seeking solace in shared frustration. "Arohi, did you see how she was taunting today?" he inquired, his tone laced with irritation.

"Yess, that's why I didn't say anything. I didn't want to escalate the situation," Arohi replied, her voice tinged with resignation. Vishal and Jems chimed in, commiserating over past encounters with Riya's sharp tongue.

"Riya is like this. She gets into my head," Arjun lamented, his frustration evident. "Just because of one single game we played, and her team lost, she has a grudge with me till date."

As the conversation turned to other matters, Arohi couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. In a world where office politics and personal vendettas loomed large, navigating the complexities of workplace relationships was proving to be a challenge she was ill-prepared for.

As they immersed themselves in their respective tasks, the hustle and bustle of the office provided a welcome distraction from the tensions of the morning. Arohi threw herself into her work with gusto, her focus unwavering as she tackled each task with determination. Despite the occasional distraction of friendly banter and office gossip, she found solace in the familiar rhythm of productivity.

As the day drew to a close, Aleen joined the conference call, her playful demeanor injecting a dose of levity into the atmosphere. "Oi, Tits, where is Ligament?" she quipped, addressing Vishal by his affectionate nickname derived from his hometown, Titwala.

Vishal chuckled in response, regaling the team with a tale of mischief gone awry. "God knows, I hit him a little bit on his leg," he confessed. "Just out of fun. He's got so much swelling that now his leg is pregnant. I just hope he recovers. If he dies because of this..." he trailed off, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

Arohi, fumbling to recall the appropriate term, interjected innocently, "It's okay, go to your box... where there's father, that confession box." Her words, tinged with unintentional humor, drew laughter from Arjun and the others.

Vishal, a Christian, took the jest in good humor, his smile widening at Arohi's earnest attempt to participate in the banter. Arjun's admiring comment—“Cute”—elicited a blush from Arohi, her heart fluttering at the unexpected compliment.

As the call ended and the team bid their farewells for the day, Arohi couldn't help but replay the exchange in her mind, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. In that moment, amidst the laughter and camaraderie, she felt a glimmer of warmth—the sweet sensation of a burgeoning crush taking root in her heart.

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