Moonlight (FLUFF)

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(Based on the image above)
Johnny and Kenshi have been dating. And they of course go on dates :3

3rd Person Pov:

It was a beautiful night, and the moon was full in the open sky. The stars glistened, and the wind blew gently in the yard. Few clouds hung above, and multiple stars peeked through the dark curtain of space. Two men sat staring at the stars on a blanket in an open backyard. The pool and house lights were off, so the night was lit by the moon and stars above.

Johnnys' Pov:

I lay back with my arms under my head, I stated up at Kenshi, who was still looking up at the sky he couldn't see all too well, but quite obviously enjoying it anyway. "You good up there, Ken?" He sighed and layed down next to me before taking my hand in his. "No, but I'm good down here." I chuckled at his comment before leaning over to kiss his cheek. Laying on the blanket, my hand intertwined with Kenshi's as we basked in the light of the moon and stars, only we mattered. Chuckling to myself, I sat up before pulling Kenshi up to sit with me, I leaned my head on his shoulder, staring up at the stars. "Hey, the big dipper is out!" He lifted his head to look up."What else is going on up there?" I smiled before taking his hand to point at the distant planet Jupiter "Well right where your pointing is Jupiter." I shifted his arm to another place in the sky."There's the moon."

Kenshis' Pov:

I smiled softly as Johnny pointed my finger in all different directions at some point, pointing it right in front of us and telling me there was a cat on the fence. Overall, he pointed out the stars he could name, making some of the names up, and occasionally pointing my hand at random object and me what they are. He was having fun, which made me happy. "And that's a shovel in the corner of the yard." I stood up with Johnny still holding my arm, "Is that all star boy?" He used my arm to pull himself up and gently cupped my face before slightly pulling me down to kiss my cheek. Apparently, one kiss wasn't enough, and he began to pepper kisses all over my cheek and face. I held his waist as he did this leaning down sightly so he could better do so. I picked him up, his arms wrapped around my neck and legs wrapped around my waist he giggled and squirmed as I started to walk towards the back door. "No! No! No! *giggle* Put me down!" I carried him into house before throwing him down onto the couch before crawling onto him and resting my head on his heaving chest. He was still gigling/laughing and trying to catch his breath as he did so, his hands lightly pounding at my back in an attempt to get me up off of him. "You're not getting out of this." It took a long while of him squirming and swatting before giving up. He crossed his arms over his chest/my head and huffed dramatically. "Ugh, worst date ever." I chuckled at his immaturity before picking up my head and pushing his further into the couch with a kiss. He giggled as I shoved him deeper into the couch and gripped onto my shirt to once again attempt at getting me off of him.

Johnnys' Pov:

"You're crushing me!"
"Am not!" I moved my hand to try to push him away by the face, and he continued kissing me just now it was my hand. He finally got off of me to get up from the couch and head into the kitchen. I soon followed whistling as I walked behind him before pinching his side and running to the other side of the counter. He chased me around the counter till we were staring at each other from across the island. He gently pulled out a stool and left it pulled before sprinting around the corner, I tried to run, but the stool slowed me down, so Kenshi caught me. He pinned my arms to my side with a tight hug from behind. Kendhi buried his face in my neck before kissing it gently. He released me before pinching my butt and walking out of the kitchen casually. "Hey, that's not fair!" Shaking his head, Kenshi sat on the couch "Not my fault you couldn't move a stool out of your way." I huffed before walking over to sit on the couch next to him, I snuggled up next to him before leaning over to kiss him on his cute face again.

(Time skip 😩)

I was staring at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth with a face mask on. Kenshi entered the bathroom, his blindfold off, as he yawned and slid his hands around my waist into a loose hug with his head on my shoulder. I reached up with my free hand and ruffled his hair. He groaned at this and kissed my shoulder before yawning once more and leaving the bathroom. I turned my head slightly to watch him crawl into bed with his adorable matching pajamas, I smiled before turning my head to spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth with mouthwash I had already token my night shower, so I changed into some boxer shorts and an oversized shirt before crawling into bed with Kenshi. "I love you." I whispered into his ear before locking onto his arm, resting my head on his shoulder as I slowly slipped into sleep with him.

3rd Person Pov:

The two slept soundly throughout the night with no interruptions. A successful date in the eyes of the couple. Love gently burned within their hearts and transfered to their dreams, but that's a story for later. (;
(1009 words 🙂)
This story was rather quick, so if it wasn't that good, I understand. I do hope yall enjoyed it, though. ❤️

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