Congrats (SMUT/LEMON)

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(I was listening to 679 family guy while writing this chapter 😋🙂)
Johnny finished a new movie and wanted a date night with Kenshi. (Kenshi has eyes in this)

Johnnys' Pov:

I poured some more champagne into my glass as I listened to Kenshi talking about some cool thing he saw earlier today that made him think of me, *How sweet.♡* "That's cute." He smiled and nodded at my comment before taking a sip from his glass. "That's why it reminded me of you." I chuckled and covered my reddening face. "Well, aren't you just sweet?~" I leaned forward on the table as we began to just flirt back and forth, trying to make the other more flustered. But soon, we simply started to just make each other laugh at stupid jokes and terrible flirts.

(After dinner 😋)

I took the plates into the kitchen, and while I was washing them in the sink, I suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, and I felt a chin on my shoulder. "Well, well, well, if it isn't agent grumps.~" He squeezed his arms around me tighter, and I could hear him let out a slight laugh, "Agent grumps? You're adorable.~" I felt his hands lightly grip my hips, and his boner pressed into my ass. I felt goosebumps start to rise all over my body and my face getting hotter. "Oh? Somebody's excited.~"

Kenshis' Pov:

I smiled into his neck before kissing it softly. "Only for you.~" I gently bit down into his neck, which caused Johnny to jolt and whimper. I turned him around and pushed his back up to the sink as I started to kiss at his neck. Soon, his fingers were trapped in my hair, and my hands were in his shirt trailing up to his nipples. His breathing became heavy, and he even began to pant and whine as I teased his nipples. "Shouldn't we *gasp* take this upstairs?" I smirked before getting off of him and allowing him to lead me up the stairs to our bedroom. The second we got into the bedroom, Johnny pulled me down into a passionate kiss. I pinned him up against the wall, then the dresser, then soon enough, he was straddling me on the bed. Our saliva mixed and our hands explored eachothers bodies roughly. He sat up abruptly on my lap, his hair a mess, and his shirt half open. He was panting heavily, and lust filled his eyes. "Fucking do me.~" I smirked before grabbing his hand and bringing it to my mouth to kiss it before smiling up at him. "Gladly." He quickly got off of me and pulled me up from the bed, we started to help each other strip as we began to make out again. Once naked, we quickly made our way back to the bed, our sweat slicked bodies rubbing against each other. While kissing Johnny deeply, I blindly reached over to the nightstand and into the top drawer as Johnny had moved down to kissing my neck and shoulders so I could grab the lube and condoms. I sat up to slip on the condom as Johnny panted beneath me, fully exposed and ready. I quickly covered my fingers in some lube before gently inserting them into Johnny's hole. He gasped loudly and clutched onto my shoulders, letting out little moans as I scissored him open. Once he was ready, I slipped my fingers out and put the leftover lube on my dick before positioning the tip to his entrance I looked up at Johnny waiting for permission which was quickly granted with a frantic nod. *So cute.♡* I gently began to push in as Johnny let out soft airy moans and gently gripped onto the sheets, his tiny gasp and cute red cheeks made it extremely hard to hold back but I did anyway since I don't want to hurt Johnny.

Johnnys' Pov:

As Kenshi pushed deeper in, the lube started to fail, and it began to pinch a little, I winced slightly from the pain, which caused Kenshi to stop pushing to check in on me. "Are you alright? Am I hurting you?"
"You're fine grumpy, just keep doing what you're doing." I winked at him before he continued to push all the way in, the pain wasn't terrible and it definitely didn't last long so at least there was that and that's when Kenshi began to pull out and slide right back in again. Soon, he was slamming into me as I gripped his back, my nails digging deep into his strong shoulder blades slightly drawing blood. I started to smear the blood over his back as his thrust became more passionate, stroking my prostate each time. I felt as if I was melting and was on a long path on my way to the prize/my orgasm. "Oh fuck!~" I quietly shouted as Kenshi tugged my head back by my hair and began to nibble and bite my neck. My eyes began to get watery as Kenshi bit and pounded into me. The pressure was immense, but it felt good.~

My legs began to shake and jolt, threatening to close, but being stopped by one of Kenshis's conveniently placed hands on my inner thigh. My whole body began to jolt, and I could feel goosebumps rising all over my body as I came close to my climax, I dug my nails into Kenshi's back once again, tearing his skin and actively smearing the blood that resulted. Kenshi soon pinned down my arms with one hand and used the other to lift my leg slightly. The new angle was too pleasing to handle, and I reached my climax quickly. After the change, my body jolted and shivered from the sudden release of tension. The path had ended, and I had reached the prize, but Kenshi hadn't.

Kenshis' Pov:

Johnny's body jolted and quivered as I continued to pound into him. I let go of his wrist and moved my hand down to his hip, and gripped it tightly. The new grip helped me to go deeper and harder. My climax was near, but I wanted to put all that I had left into my finish. I could feel his walls clenching around me as I thrusted deep and hard into him as I came closer to my finish. My thrust became more passionate, hitting his oversensitive prostate over and over again as he moaned and squirmed beneath me begging for me to cum. Soon, he pulled me down to his level to beg me some more and make those gorgeous sounds I love so dearly, the ones he only makes for me right into my ear. I could feel goosebumps rise on the back of my neck, and my cheeks started to burn before I finally granted Johnny what he wanted. I slammed one last time deep inside of him before cumming into the almighty condom. I gently lowered his leg before pulling out and getting rid of the condom and getting back between Johnny's legs just to collapse on top of him with my head resting on his breast. "I love you." He began to play with my hair before leaning down and kissing the top of my head. "I love you too." I closed my eyes and sighed lightly. Soon, I could hear the gentle snores of Johnny along with his adorable murmurs, and all my thoughts began to melt away as I slipped into the dark cloak of sleep resting upon Johnny's perfect chest.

(1310 words 😩)
This story was all written in a day, so if it isn't awesome, I get it, but I'm also sick and tired, so I don't completely care. Love you boo boos hope ya'll enjoyed at least a little. ♡

P.S. sorry about the song. lol-

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