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      Luffy woke the next day, stomach rumbling loudly.

      "Mmm~ I want meat!" The hungry boy exclaims, waking up a few of the soldier in the room, which is fine since they should be waking up for duty anyway.

      The boy with the straw hat rolls out of the hammock in the same style he rolled into it and scrambled out of the room in search of food. His nose catches the scent of delicious food pretty quickly and he rushes off in the direction that his nose is taking him. 
      He nearly breaks down the doors to the cafeteria when he finds them, and takes a seat with some others, also waiting for breakfast. The others at the table stare at him a bit awkwardly, as the information has already spread throughout the marine base of the "person from another dimension" and that that person is Luffy. Rumors fly faster than facts, though, so the accuracy of the information isn't guaranteed.

      "I hear he attacked Fleet Admiral Sengoku before they could calm him down..."

      "I heard that he turned insane from being pulled into a different dimension, that happens to everyone, apparently, it messes with the brain."

      "Oh, yeah? Well, I heard that he's only helping us for money."

      Luffy's ear perked up to that last whispered rumor.

      "Nope! I actually just want food!" Luffy exclaimed, his face spreading into a huge giddy grin with his response.

      Some of the marines look a bit guilty for being caught spreading rumors, others look slightly scared. Then the bell rings, signaling breakfast is ready to be gotten, and each soldier retrieves their breakfast, one by one. 
      Again, Luffy pushed his way to the front of the line, eager to eat, and sat down just as fast. 

      About halfway through his meal (which was 3 servings in) Sentomaru came to sit down next to him.

      "Oh! Toma!" Luffy said with a mouthful of food. Some of the other marines at the table were beginning to wonder how this guy was supposed to be the strongest, even in another universe. They begin to suspect that possibly, there's no pirates or criminals in this Luffy's world, meaning that this Luffy's the strongest... but then they remember that Admirals exist either way.
Some are beginning to question the possibility that this is the right person.
      After all, their Luffy is a marine captain, and he's strong, but not that strong. He uses pretty good observation and armament Haki, like his grandfather, and doesn't have a devil fruit power, like his grandfather.

      "Hey, Luffy-from-another-dimension, are you really the strongest in your world?" One marine asks unprompted.

      Luffy takes a large swallow before answering, "Hm? Yeah, of course I'm the strongest." 

      His answer had an isn't-that-obvious tone to it. The marine was taken aback by this tone, but quickly recovered with a stutter. "Uh- Y-yeah, cool... do you have a devil fruit power in your world then?" 

      "Yep!" He responded, but before the marine could ask for elaboration, a marine captain walked up to Luffy. 

      "So, you're that strongest-person guy, huh? But you're also Luffy?" The captain asks, clearly doubting the truth that's right in front of him.

      "Is the mystery world me not strong?" Luffy asks the marine captain, stuffing his face with food immediately after.

      "Nope. He always loses a fight with me!" The marine says, clearly trying to incite him.

      "Okay" He responds nonchalantly. The marine captain expected he'd care more, giving their world Luffy's rather pugnacious behavior when he's insulted.

Marine Luffy meets Pirate LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now