Chapter 17

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Noriko Souma:

I groaned as I fell back on the bed. I was tiring of these hard motel beds and was in need of a real good night's rest. Too bad I wouldn't be able to get any until the whole Shinigami stuff was over.

A small part of me couldn't help but really think about the situation. I mean, was I really up for this. I'm an eighteen year old drop out running around with a sword in hand. What if I couldn't destroy the sword? What happened then? I knew absolutely nothing about it except that it was evil... or was my dad evil?

No, I couldn't think about that. My gather was a good and kind man. The sword had to be the thing that drove him to madness. Drive him to kill his wife.

The taste of metal filled my mouth and I quickly choked, noticing the blood trickling down my lip. I was biting down on it and hadn't even noticed.

I had to think about my plan of action. I knew the Blade was here bit how would I find it. It's last known whereabouts was in the LAPD offices but it's not like I could just stroll in there and question the police. On top of that, I had to find a way to ditch Minxie.

She had left to go to the library. She missed her wifi and the one provided by the motel was far too cheap for her. Maybe I could leave her a note and leave before she returned.

No, she deserved more than just a note.

No, she deserved more than being ditched.

Ugh, but I had to protect her. I had dragged her into this and after the nightmare on the bus I was too scared to get her more involved than she already was. Minxie was my life and she had been for a long time. She was the one who always kept me going and made me into me. Without her I'd be a shell with the name Noriko.

But thanks to her. I was Noriko Souma. Feared, admired, strong, beautiful. I was all of those things but for a long time I didn't feel like I was. Then she came along, a petite little blonde girl with a major daddy complex, looking for someone to latch onto and she found me. A little Asian girl with no friends.

We made a great pair. Minxie was friendly and kind, while I was quite and aloof. She was popular and I wasn't. She was rich with a family and I was poor with no family bit there was one thing that tied our fates together.

We were both alone in the world.

Suddenly the door was thrown open and I jumped into action, Fuya Toge in my hand.

A wide-eyed Minxie stared at me, mouth in a crooked smile. "Well hello there."

"You scared me." I huff, throwing the sword back onto the bed.

"Let me make it up to you!" She basically screamed in excitement. 

"Holy shit, all right. What is it?" I ask, curious as I slumped down on the bed. She plopped down next to me, clutching a piece of paper to her chest.

"Okay, so get this. I was at the library and I met this really cute guy. He was like cool and wore leather." She said, her eyes shining and I couldn't help the smirk that crossed my lips. Was that a crush I was detecting. "Don't let Ed hear you say this." I tease and she roll her eyes at me.

"Shut up. But anyways, he was hanging some papers on a bulletin and I decided that I needed a little break from saving the world so I started to flirt with him." As I heard this, my smile broadened. "He flirted back which was awesome but this isn't a story about some guy. I asked him what the fliers were for and he showed me one and it was for a charity gala his grandfather was holding and right there was this."

She suddenly shoved the flier against my chest. I gave her a quick glare before looking at the flier. It was for a charity gala, like Minxie had said. I read the information and apparently there was going to be an auction for a bunch of ancient artifacts and there it was.

A picture of the Shinigami Blade. I recognized it quickly and I could almost see how sharp it was through the paper. It was all black with silver on the sharp side and some symbols that were barely visible on the paper.

I looked at Minxie, my eyes wide. "Who is this guy?" I asked, clutching the paper as I stood up.

Minxie carefully pryed the paper out of my hand. "His name is Blaise Phantab and he put his number on the paper."

"Do you think we can go to the gala." I ask, far much louder than I had intended.

"I can call him." The blonde offered meekly.

"Do it."' She nodded, pulling her phone out and stepping out of the room.

I hadn't realized how out of breath I was. I had found the blade. More like Minxie had found it but found it no less. It was going to be up for auction. I had to destroy it.

That's when it hit me. Minxie knew what the Blade had looked like. But how? She had never seen it before so how was she so convinces that the picture was what we were searching for?

Before I could get any deeper in my thought, Minxie returned, a wide grin on her face. "Hey, so he managed to get us on the list and would try to get me our invitations before the gala tomorrow." She says, excited.

"Great. That's great Minx." I say, wondering whether or not I should question her about the sword.

"Nori, we're going to a formal event and you know what that means." She said, her voice dripping with happiness. She could barely contain herself and suddenly bounced up. "New outfits!"


"Yeah! We have to blend in with the crowd so we're gonna go shopping and get our hair done!" My best-friend cheered.

"What?" I repeated, dumbstruck.

"Oh please, I know you have great hair but lately it's been looking limp." She teased, snatching my hand up and pulling me out the door, grabbing her bag. "Plus I'm getting really sick of this outfit."

I had to admit, i was tiring of the button-up and miniskirt combo myself.

"A-all right but how are we gonna pay for this?" I ask, letting her pull me.

"The same way we've been paying for everything." She says, holding up an all black credit card.

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