Chapter 14

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"Mistress, there is someone approaching the temple!" A small bald man basically screeched at me.

"I am aware Lao." I say, flashing the man a small smile before nodding my head at the large Buddha statue before turning on my heel and making my exit from the room.

"What are we to do!?" Lao screeched at me and I felt my right eye twitch slightly. Even after 28 years with this man I couldn't stand his voice.

"I'll handle this. She's here for me anyways." I declare, untying my robe before letting it fall to the ground. I was left in a bandage wraps covering my chest, legs and arms. I usually wore bandages when it came to fighting. It didn't restrict my energy flow and actually assisted with the spread of energy. My hair was already in a tight braid and the tail basically touched the floor of the temple as I walked.

I was preparing this for months now.

It all started when I was doing some research in the archives. The archives held information on more things than the temple and Buddha. It had annals from all kinds of culture and I stumbled upon one about the Shinigami Blade. Upon further research I learned that it was more than just a myth. The Blade was not only real but it was still very much active. I discovered that once every year the weapon grew in chaotic power and that power could be harnessed to destroy the world and all of its inhabitants. But beyond that, the Blade had many other secrets and abilities and whoever had the sword would hold unimaginable powers.

Once I learned that it was the time of year when the swords power grew, I knew those dark forces would begin to try and get the sword for themselves. I had an outside informant brief me on the going-ons of the outside war and I discovered the battle had already started. The battle between good and evil. The Black Blade Massacre, the attack on the LAPD, and the attempt at Sonja Illana Hart. It was all taking place in California.

I had decided I would travel to California and assist those playing on the side of light. I had already found them as well. The first one I found was of course the aforementioned model who survived the first attack of the Blade. The next was Camilla Irving who survived the second attack by the Blade this year. The other two were two high school girls. Noriko Souma and Minxie Tempera, both of whom survived an attack as children.

"Mistress, this is dangerous. I can feel the intruder's power." Lao informs me. "She is dark of heart."

"Yes Lao, I can feel it as well." I say, pushing the wide doors of the temple open and making my way down the long stairs.

Although I had no idea who was playing for the side of darkness, it was clear that whoever was here was not on my side. I could see her. She was petite with long brown and a child-like face. She wore a large maroon sweater with a strange emblem, plaid mini-skirt, thigh-high socks, and dress shoes. She was a school girl as well?

"Hello and what can I do for you today?" I greet. I was prepared to fight this girl to the death for the sake of my people and the sacred ground I was raised on.

"Huh?" She looks up, smiling as if she just noticed me. "Oh yes, I'm here to dispose of a woman." She says in a celery voice.

"Dispose of a woman? Well, I'm sorry but that just won't do. No murder can take place on this sacred land." I say calmy, analysing the girl in front of me.

"Oh, well can I just talk to this woman then? Her name is Ruin." She informs me and I grit my teeth, a habit I had manage to quit a while ago.

"You are speaking to her." I say.

"Oh, well that is easy. I just want you to quit with your research of the Shinigami Blade and just forget all about it." She says, flipping her hair and folding her hands together.

"Sorry, no. I'm already to invested in this and I must help ny fellows sisters in their attempts to destroy the Blade." I say, referring to Sonja, Camilla, Noriko, and Minxie as my sister's despite never having met them.

"Oh, are you sure you won't reconsider?"

"No, I won't." I say, struggling to keep myself collected.

"Then I'll have to kill you." She states, her hands going to her side.

"Before we begin, may I know your name?" I ask, spreading my legs apart and bringing my hands up, palms open.

"I'll tell you my name if you win." She says, smiling before I dash forward, accepting her challenge. I would end this quickly because there was no way she'd be able to fend off my fighting technique.

I slammed my palm against her chest and heard a crack. I smiled victoriously. The smile quickly faded when I saw what had happened. My palms was against her left arm and her right hand was on my shoulder, squeezing it. That's when I hear the crack again and let out a scream.

I brought my other palm up to attack her but she quickly blocked and I began to slamming my palms against her, hoping to land an attack but she continuously blocked them.

I was in complete shock. Even if my attacks weren't hitting their mark it shouldn't have mattered. My attacks hit points so her energy flow would stop and would leave her immobilized but it wasn't. She just kept moving, blocking all of my attacks.

No, I had to do something to end this now. And quickly I knew what I had to do. Use a forbidden attack that I was taught to use image only a drastic measure. I focused all of my energy into my right palm as I continued to attack with my left.

For a split-second, she left herself open and I attacked, my palm hitting her square in the chest. I felt my energy transfer into her and she suddenly convulsed. I watched with wide eyes as her chest heaved and she let out a choking noise.

The point of my attack was to strike at the heart. Pass an unfamiliar energy into her to stop her heart and kill her instantly. I had killed someone on this sacred ground but it had to be done. This is what I told myself.

"I like that move." She suddenly spoke, freezing me in my tracks. I slowly turned to her, shock clear in my face.

"H-how is this possible?"

"Y'know, you've been on the offense and frankly you aren't too good at it. How about we switch?" She asked, not waiting for an answer as she rushed at me.

No, no. She couldn't be alive.

"Focus Mistress!" I hear Lao scream at me.

I watched as the girl ran towards me. I was no match for her when she was on defense so I how could I handle her when she was attacking?

I focused all of my energy into my palms before slamming them onto the ground. White energy surrounded me as the girl struck, hitting the force. It consisted, sending her through the air.

That was it. The rest of my energy had gone into that shield. I hoped that combustion had injured her at least a little.

I stood up and saw that she was on her feet, her sweater now in tatters. She ripped it off, throwing it the ground. She was left in a white button shirt and tie. "You're really good just no match for me." The cheerfulness in her voice long gone.

"Impossible!" I exclaim.

She just shrugged, launching forward in the blink of an eyes. I felt a barrage of fists hit my stomach and I was sent back, hitting the stairs and toppling down.

I managed to get on all fours, gagging before I threw up, the contents of my breakfast spilling to the ground.

I got up to my knees, wiping my mouth. I glared at her, preparing another attack but suddenly my body dipped and I feel on my side. No, get up. This is not over. I had lost control of my body. I had ran out of energy.

I looked up as the sound of clicking got close to me. There she was. The girl who had defeated me. She brought the entire length of her leg into the air and held it with her hand.

"Even though you lost, I don't mind telling you my name." She declares. "I'm Mia Schoenfield." She declares before releasing her leg and slamming it down towards my face.

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