The Portal

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 My new room was very different from my tiny, cluttered space in our old apartment. The wallpaper was a soft white, and the mahogany floorboards were mostly covered up with a matching rug. A narrow floor to ceiling window took up the center of the wall opposite the door, and there was a closet and a bed on either side of it, plus a desk, a hanging chair and some shelves against the adjacent wall. As I turned on the spot, my eyes landed on the massive bookcase taking up the entire partition except for the door. I eyed it hungrily, trying to think how many books I would need to fill it completely.

 Elanor and Nadia were off cooking dinner. After a morning driving and an afternoon carrying boxes and furniture about that we'd brought with us, we were bone tired. And hungry. Very hungry. I flopped down on my bed, the mattress bouncing a bit at the sudden impact. The duvet was heavy and soft underneath me, as were the matching pillows. I absentmindedly brushed the tips of my fingers over the carvings in the white, painted headboard. I sat up and peered at it more closely.

 It was carved and painted intricately. It depicted a... doorway suspended over a turbulent sea. A shining moon hung above the gate, and little stars and swirling galaxies peppered the background. I hadn't realized it was even possible to shape something this complex out of a simple wooden headboard. It was a true work of art... And it made me wonder how old this bed must have been...and how valuable.

 I spent a while longer appreciating the carvings, and eventually rifled through my backpack and pulled out my book, settling back into the soft cushions.


 I'm not sure how much time passed, but I drifted off at some point.

 I woke up to moonlight spilling into the room through the large window. It was alluring. I slid off the bed and onto the carpet, still in my dirty jeans and gray cardigan. I padded up to the window, looking out at the garden, and my view of the backyard. The creek sparkled in the distance, calling me to it. I swear I could hear the soft gurgle of the water from here. I quietly slipped from the room and down the curving staircase and out onto the back porch, not bothering to take anything with me.

 The grass tickled my bare feet, and I made my way down the stone path, following it to the waters edge. The sound of the water was louder than usual, more powerful. I heard a distant crashing that grew louder as I approached the end of the path, until it was all I could hear.

 The path ended and I found my feet sinking into fine, cold black sand, and my mouth parted into a perfect little o. The creek was gone, and in its place was a massive body of water I could only associate with one thing- the sea. Waves broke and crashed softly on the moonlit beach, the salty spray brushing my cheeks. I looked around, completely dumbfounded. There wasn't anyone else on the beach. Not a single person in sight. The large black dunes sparkled and shifted slightly in the breeze and I shivered.

 How did the creek become a freaking ocean?

 I had never been to the sea before. It was much larger than I'd expected, making me really feel like a meaningless insignificant speck in the vast universe

 Speaking of tiny things, I spotted something on the horizon, rapidly approaching. I took a step forward, then another as the small wooden boat became visible. It was like a rowboat- only without the oars. I didn't have time to wonder where it might have come from before it stopped short just beyond the breaking waves, where it bobbed in place- waiting for something. A small lantern hung from the prow, casting a yellow glow around the tiny vessel.

 I wanted to swim out and hop in so badly, and frowned at the sudden urge. I only hesitated for a moment though before making my way down the beach, slipping and sliding over the cool dunes, and to the waters edge.

 I was never one to turn down a new adventure so why start now? I waded into the water, which brushed against me like a cold touch, and swam out to the boat. The second I had pulled myself in, and sat down, the boat shuddered and lurched forward, sailing forward through the dark water.

 Something pricked inside me as I stared at the shrinking coastline- almost as if I knew that this was a vital moment. That there would be no going back now that I'd made this decision.

 Well, too late for regrets, I guess.

 The breeze tousled my short hair as the boat glided onward, cutting through the calm waters like butter. My mouth tugged up at the corner, adrenaline rushing through me as I thought of what I might find once the boat stopped.

 A large, white doorway appeared ahead, as if summoned by my thoughts, and I realized it matched the scene on the headboard of my bed. The stars shone brighter than ever above, and my heart began to pound as I neared the gateway.

 I didn't feel worried- or scared, either. I only felt the lure of curiosity, and an excitement about what lay beyond that gate.

 Should I be frightened? I mean, this was already weird enough, so how much crazier could it really get?

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