The Choice

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  I woke up to the soft crunching of pine needles. I hadn't even realized I'd been asleep. My eyes slowly opened, and I sat up groggily, looking around the little campsite we had made the night before. Koral and Torin were both gone, and I found a note by my side saying they had gone to run an errand, but would be back in a few minutes. They must have just left then...

 My gaze fell on the pine covered rug that blanketed the forest, landing on a small pile of bright red berries. They shone wetly in the sunlight that peeked through the thick canopy overhead, looking ripe and ready to be plucked and savored.

 They looked so good that I only noticed I had picked one up, when I had almost brought it to my lips. I paused. Where had these come from? Had Koral left them? I remembered something she'd said about Somnium subtly luring me in, and contemplated the small tempting fruit in my palm, turning it over and examining the way it shone in the light.

 Trick, or just a berry? Poison, or a gift? Was I right about being suspicious, or just exaggerating?

 A sudden memory rang through my head, setting off instant warning bells.

  Do not eat anything. Those were the words Solace had spoken to me just before I had set out on my way home. I eyed the berry with more suspicion, squishing it lightly between my fingers to see what would happen.

 It looked like a perfectly normal berry... And it looked really good, too.

 I sighed. I couldn't take that risk. I stood, leaving the cursed berries laying sumptuously in the sun, realizing how hungry I had become overnight.

 After wiping my hands on my filthy tank top, I crawled back onto my cushion of pine and tried to fall back to sleep, figuring it was the best way to stay out of trouble while waiting for Koral and Torin to return.


 The rest of the morning was tense. We walked on through the forest in silence, but my head would not stop buzzing with all my questions from last night.

 We finally made out of the forest and back to the docks where Torin had first sent me away. Everything looked so different though during the day. The port was loud and frenzied, sailors and vendors shouting this way and that, merchants wheeling carts, crews loading and unloading cargo, fishermen on the wharf untangling their nets, and seagulls crying up above, circling the ships.

 The harbor itself was stocked full of all types of boats, from smaller row boats to towering galleons to steamboats to roman triremes.

 I was in absolute awe, this place was a harmonious jumble of every historical period and climate and species, just like the city we had left behind hours ago...

 It was so interesting. I mean, I could stay here forever and never get bored.

 But I should heed Solace's advice and return to my world, even though I had to admit that the more time I spent here, the less my little cottage in the middle of nowhere felt like where I belonged.

 The conversation I'd overheard last night didn't help my will to leave. Now, I was more curious than ever.

 "I guess this is goodbye," Koral said, giving me a small smile, and pulling me from my thoughts.

 I'd barely known this girl for twenty four hours but I just knew I would miss her so much. She was so kind, and had an energy about her that seemed to instantly draw people in.

 Then there was Torin. I glanced over at him. How could I even describe him? I knew absolutely nothing about him except for his name (and even that was an achievement), and that he and Koral were best friends of a sort and both had some connection to a mysterious girl named Dhalia. And that he was

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