The Third Realm

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 Solace offered me a room in one of the wings of his castle. The bed was extremely comfortable, and drifted like water every time I moved. The ceiling looked like a moving galaxy, and I found myself having one of the best nights sleep I'd ever had.

 I'd had breakfast with the king, although it was a bit hard to think of him as that, and I was eternally grateful that he had insisted I call him by his first name.

 He looked a bit tired, and I asked if he'd slept alright. He explained that, here in Somnium, people tended to sleep during the day, and wake up at night. Like vampires.

 I was currently back in the sitting room with him, as he laid a big map out on the table taking up the center of the space. "Do I really have to go?"

 "I wish you could stay, Wren Deisy, I really do. But as the leader of a realm, I cannot put you, or my people in danger with your presence."

 "Me being here puts people in danger?"

 "It could. And right now, we can't risk that." Solace smiled apologetically, and I nodded my agreement.

 "Could you show me how to get home then? I... don't know how to get back."

 Solace spread the map a little wider, and I saw what reminded me of a bunch of cake layers. I guessed each layer was a different realm. Solace pointed to the fourth layer (there were eight in total). "This is here," he murmured, "and these are the other six realms." Then pointed to the first layer. "And this is where you're from."

 He took a breath. "To get there, you need to pass through here," he said, pointing to the third layer. "Venix Port. The water in its harbor is the same as the water of the Sea of Stars, so if you just jump in, it should take you right back." He pondered something for a moment, before saying, "A cannon ball should do the trick."

 "Venix Port... I've been there before."

 Solace nodded. "To get there, you need to go into the hot springs, here," he pointed to the spot of the map with his index. "If you get lost, look for the waterfall."

 I nodded and sighed. "I guess I should go."

 "Come on then," Solace said, jumping up and tugging me from the room.


 At the door, I thanked him for everything and made to turn away, but he grabbed my hand before I could. "Do not speak to anyone, and do not stray from the portals."

 "But I spoke to you?"

 "I'm different," he said, laughing. "I would offer you a talisman, but it appears you already have one with you."

 "I do?"  The stone in my pocket pulsed. Oh.

 "He will guide you, and keep you safe. Good luck."


 But the young king just laughed again and said, "Don't forget to knock once!" and closed the marble doors in my face. I took a step forward, and found myself once again outside the stone kingdom's great gates.

 I seriously had to get used to that. I shook my head, and began to trek back up the hills, leaving the marble kingdom and it's small king behind.

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