The Unknown

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 I stood inside the tree house. But not the same one. For outside was not the forest of my home.

 A rope ladder materialized, leading to the grass covered floor. I chewed my lip as I thought, and began to make my way down.

 My feet hit the ground, but I was no longer standing before the tree house. I was on a hill, dark clouds covering the sky and blotting out the moon. In the distance, a giant, marble castle loomed, and I decided that that was where I needed to go.

 It looked like a tropical paradise, palm trees and lakes everywhere, with a tall cliff over to my right where a waterfall cascaded down into what looked like hot springs.

 I began down one of the slopes, the air smelling of flowers and oils.

 Once I reached the bottom, I blinked and found myself standing before two huge marble doors towering over me and marking the entrance to what could only be a medieval kingdom.

 I swallowed thickly, turning to look at the rows and rows of hills behind me. It was as if time had sped up... or... skipped. Weird, not to mention extremely disorienting.

 Unsure of what to do, I raised a hand and knocked three times, the sound echoing surprisingly loudly. Barely a moment had passed before the gates cracked open, just enough to allow me through. My eyes widened at the gorgeous kingdom sprawling out before me. It was made entirely of marble, and gleamed so brightly in the night I swear I could have used it as a mirror.

 The strange thing was that it looked completely deserted. Not a sound to be heard. Not a single person in sight. No lights on. Nothing.

 The castle loomed ahead, up a steep incline, looked larger and more imposing than ever. I wrapped my arms around myself, suppressing a shiver- although it was actually pretty warm here- and started to climb.


 I knocked again at the doors to the palace, to no response. I knocked again, swearing that I'd  heard someone murmuring just inside. I banged my fist against the hard marble five more times, a bit too hard to be considered patient. This time, the sound of soft, hurried feet slapping against marble greeted me, and the door swung open, a little boy, looking not a day over ten, with ginger hair so bright it looked alight, and a face full of freckles stared back at me. He wore a golden crown, and a black shirt and pants that hung loosely around his pale ankles. Maybe all these loose clothes are the dress code around here...

 The child looked around questioningly, then to me. "There's only one of you," he said, as if it were a problem.

 "Is that bad?" I whispered.

 "You knocked five times," he replied matter-of-factly, making no sense at all. "That means there are five people."

 "Oh, well, there's only me. I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm... not exactly from here."

 The little boy grinned. "I see now. I know what you are," he said, making me frown.

 "You do?" I asked, wondering if it was a big deal, and he nodded excitedly. "Well then," I began, realizing that maybe I could get all my questions answered. And get a chance to explore this new world. "Can I come inside?"

 "Um..." the boy seemed to weigh the options before nodding again and receding back inside, "Yes, come in."


 The boy led me through the large, lavishly decorated halls, and into an equally grand room. There was a lit fireplace on the left wall, and couches and ottomans and comfy chairs spread throughout, the floor covered in a deep blue rug that rippled like water when I stepped onto it.

 I sat down in a white armchair that was soft as a cloud, and glanced at the boy seated opposite me.

 "What is your name?" he asked curiously. He looked and acted like the type of boy you'd find in a fairy forest, not a castle.

 "Wren Deisy."

 He smiled widely. "Nice to meet you Wren Deisy. Do you want something to drink?"

 "Some water would be nice."

 The boy nodded, and my eyes widened as I watched a glass take form from thin air, which slowly filled with water. I returned his big smile and took the glass, taking a sip. It was cold. And fresh. "How did you do that?"

 "Do what?"

 "Make this glass like that," I said, making him chuckle.

 "You really aren't from around here," he giggled. "Sometimes I forget how different things are where you come from," he finished, not offering any further explanation.

 I sipped slowly at the water, as the child observed me, that faint smile never leaving his face. "So... Can you tell me what this place is?"

 "Well, you'll need to be more specific than that," he replied. "You could mean anything, from this castle, to this realm, to this world." He paused. "So which is it?"

 I cocked my head curiously, my mind snagging on a word. "This realm? Are there more?"

 The boy leaned forward from where he sat, cross-legged on a blue ottoman. "Of course! There are..." he paused to count. "Seven in total."

 "What's a realm?"

 "The Seven Realms are what make Somnium what it is!" he exclaimed. Somnium. So that's what this place is.

 I leaned forward as well, excited now that I was finally getting some answers. "And which realm is this?"

 "This is the Kingdom of Stone, but most people call it the third realm. And each realm connects with another through a portal."

 "I fell through a portal that first night... when I went to that foggy island. Was that a realm too?"

 The boy's smile fell away, making him seem suddenly much older. "We do not go to that realm. And neither should you, Wren Deisy."

 "Why? What is it?" My voice dropped to a whisper. The boy with the crown simply shook his head, and his expression was grave enough to stop me from prying anymore. On that subject, at least.

 "This place is magical," I breathed. "I want to explore every inch of it."

 "Unfortunately that won't be possible. As much as I have enjoyed your company you should really get home soon."

 "Will I be able to return?" I asked, remembering how much that other guy had wanted me gone. How he'd said I'd be best if I didn't come back.

 "Physically, yes. But I would advise you not to. This world is not as magical as it may seem."

 I frowned. "What does that mean?" But I only earned another sad, shake of the head. "Can I stay here? At least for a night? Please."

 The young boy thought about it for a second, before nodding. "I'll have a room prepared for you."

 My face split into a grin. I was spending the night in a castle! In Somnium! I barely knew anything about this place, but I already felt more connected to it than ever.

 Then I had a thought. "I was drawn to this place... To this castle. I think I need to speak with the king," I thought out loud, and the boy burst out laughing. "What is it?" I wondered, feeling my lips tugging further upward with how contagious his laughter was.

 "I apologize," he responded, sitting up straighter on the ottoman. "I never introduced myself. My name is King Solace.

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