The Unexpected

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As the sweet sound of rain drops hit against every window in the house. I started thinking about the sweet mouth melting chocolate ice cream we have downstairs in the freezer.

It was just calling my name. Blaze says I have a bad sweet tooth because usually when I can't fall asleep I sneak downstairs and eat some mouth watering sweets.

I told him I'll stop because he's convinced my teeth are gonna fell out from eating and drinking so much sugar but how can I resist?

After a few minutes of debating with myself about if I wanna sneak downstairs and eat some sweets I decided that promise would be broken this one time.

I threw my red and gold comforter off of me. Once my feet touched the ice cold floor I jumped from the cold shriver that went through my whole body.

"Cold ass house" I said, turning my flashlight on my phone looking for my fuzzy gold house shoes.

After looking for 5 minutes straight I found them at the end of my bed. I slipped them on then turned my flashlight off because I don't need Blaze to know about me sneaking downstairs for some sweet ol sweet ice cream.

I slowly opened my door making sure no noise came from it. Once I got enough space for me to slip out I did. I closed my door behind me very slowly making sure not to make a peep.

I quietly tip toed down the hall heading towards the black wooden stairs. Each step I took on going down the wooden steps made me mad because these stairs started making squeaky noises.

Honestly I feel like this is the reason why Blaze won't replace these old ass steps because they always snitching on me.

I finally got to the end of the steps taking a deep breath feeling relieved Blaze didn't wake up. I tip toed over towards the refrigerator getting happy again knowing I was about to eat some perfectly frozen chocolate ice cream.

As I broke into my happy dance I opened the freezer and saw the ice cream. Of course I didn't waste no time grabbing it and opening it.

I hurried getting a spoon then dig in feeling the deliciousness melt in my mouth. I started moaning from each bite I took feeling like I was in heaven.

I was gonna eat the whole thing till I heard a very loud bang. I froze for a quick second trying to figure out what that was but then it happened again.

A part of me wanted to sneak back upstairs ignoring the bang I've heard but then it happened again, this time even louder.

"The one time I break a promise" I said, sneaking the ice cream back into the freezer before I walked over towards the front door where I heard the bang happen again.

I tip toed over to the front door looking through the window right next to the door to see Blooda banging himself against our mate black metal door.

I opened the door slowly seeing Blooda standing in front of me. He looked half dead from the look in his chestnut eyes then my eyes looked at the lower half of him seeing he was bleeding out.

His right hand was applying pressure to the left side of his ribs. I watched him almost fall so I rush over to him making him wrapped his arm around my neck and I wrapped my arm around his lower stomach making sure I don't touch his wound.

I walked him over towards the couch making him flap onto it. I walk back over towards the front door closing and locking it till I reach Blooda again.

He leads his head back while he moves his hand away from the bloody wound. I looked closer at it seeing it was a gun shot wound.

"Why the fuck your not a hospital?" I asked him while rushing towards the kitchen grabbing the first aid kit with some hand towels and rubbing alcohol.

I rushed back towards him seeing him make eye contact with me till he saw me pouring alcohol on the hand towel. He hissed in pain making me roll my eyes at him because I hadn't even placed it on him yet.

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