The Morning Run

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As I ran down the street I started to feel myself less tense and out my own head. After the night I had I was honestly confused and didn't really know how to process it.

My parents never really showed me how to process my feelings to be honest. Blaze had to show me but even then it was to a certain extent.

Blaze barely shows how he truly feels about something or someone. He says just push it deep down till you can nobody than snap on someone.

So the same way he deals with his problems is how I deal with mine but to a lesser extent. I just usually go for a ran early in the morning to process everything.

It honestly works so well. Ever since I started running in the morning my mind tends to stay clear for rest of the day. I have a bad habit of overthinking so these rans keep my mind at bay.

After running a few blocks I started to slow down my speed to get my heart back to a regular pace. Once my speed came to a complete stop I started to look around me.

Our neighborhood is so beautiful but most people can't see the beauty in it. Every house is different because everyone on our block makes their house their own.

The detail on every house that tells a story. Like the house next to Blaze. That house was the first house ever built on our street. You couldn't tell by the way it looks so modern but it was. A couple around Blaze age lives there and they keep up the place very nicely.

Which is kinda weird because they tend to fight a lot. Yeah the walls in these houses are very tin so you can hear a pin drop but that's just how the houses were built.

They have furniture outside on the porch they sit on every morning with the girl reading a book on the "perfect relationship" and the guy placing online bets for football or basketball games, depends on what season it is.

I only know that last part because he tried asking Blaze if he wanted to get in on it. I walked about an hour making my way downtown which was even more beautiful than our neighborhood because they had lights hanged up everywhere since the Forth Of July is coming up pretty soon.

I love how the red and blue light hit my golden brown skin. I looked at a few stores along the walking path not really paying attention because I had the thought of Blooda in my head.

He asked to go on a ran with me but I told him no manly because he just got shot plus I didn't wanna spend my whole ran thinking about him and his words.

But hear I am thinking about the one thing I wanted to ran from. As the thought started to popped up more and more I started to ran again but this time back home which was a few miles away.

I guess you could say this is how I keep my figure.

"Home sweet home" I said, completely out of breath.

When I said I ran home I meant every word I said. I needed that long ran so the thoughts of Blooda were gone and I was happy they was.

I took a step onto the first step in front of the house till I felt a hand wrap around my wrist so I used my free hand to punch however till I saw it was Blooda so stop myself from hitting him before I reach for his face which was only a few inches away.

"So you fix me up just to beat a nigga down?" He asked me, while he chuckled a little bit.

"What no! I thought some random guy was grabbing me" I said, shaking my head nervously.

"Whatever you say buttercup but I didn't come here for small talk I just want to let you know Blaze and Molly broke up so if Molly comes over banging on your door that's why" He told me, before he walked off from me

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