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The beautiful midnight sky shines with stars that twinkle softly. A young boy in Hateno Village is in his bedroom, slowly yet quietly as to not get caught, open the window from his room and climbs out. Holding a medium size leather pouch, suitable for holding rupees or small trinkets, walking outside and behind the house where there is a pathway leading up to a small cliff.

The young boy ran up to the cliff and sat down criss-cross on the grass, looking up to the night sky. He couldn't help but admire it with wonders, his mother will tell stories about unknown worlds beyond the stars and how different it is compared to Hyrule. One world can worship one deity, another world can worship up to seven or more deities, or a world filled with just deities.

Unknown to the boy, a woman with dirty blonde hair that goes down to her lower mid back, blue eyes that bring shame to any sapphire that dare to compete against them, and fair tan skin the sun has blessed her. She couldn't help but smile tenderly while watching her son stargazing, she originally came here to scold the boy for escaping out the house at night. However, seeing the scenario in front of her, she couldn't bring herself to do so.

"I hope you forgotten to invite me to stargaze with you, Link...", the boy jolted in surprise by the sudden voice until he turned his upper body around to see his mother walking towards him. "Mama!", Link exclaimed happily as she slowly lowered herself to the ground, sitting next to her son before brushing her fingers through his hair. "Link, you shouldn't sneak out of the house. You scare me and your father, thankfully we notice your pouch is missing or else your father would have sent knights looking for you".

Link look down with a sad expression, "I'm sorry mama, I wanted to look at the stars and capture Star fragments if I was lucky today", Link didn't mean to make his parents worry but he wanted to go outside and find any star fragments, he loves collecting star fragments since it is rare. Link mother gently laughs before bringing him closer to her by wrapping an arm around him. "You are forgiven, however as a punishment you will go tomorrow morning to get groceries", Link wanted to protest but stop himself knowing there was no use arguing against his mother.

Both sat in silence, gazing into night sky before Link look at his mother with a question, "Mama, do you think the star-people will visit us one day?", his mother look confuse for a moment before realizing what her child meant. "Who knows, no hylian can predict when they will arrive or not. All we can do is wait, and once they arrive we need to greet them with hospitality", Link thought for a while before asking again, "What if they aren't good? Will our world get destroyed?...", Link got a little nervous, he really wanted to meet a star-person but if they have bad tendencies, will this world cease to exist.

Link mother hold one of his hand making him look back at her, "I assure you, no matter how big of a threat they are, bad tendencies or not. Hyrule and Hylia will always defend their homeland", Link thought for a bit before smiling again, nodding his head in agreement.

Suddenly, two bright shooting stars soar through the sky making the sky shine beautifully before descending down to a forest near Hateno Village. Link got up excited thinking he finally caught not one but two star fragments today, his mother stood up as well until Link got a hold on one of her hand, "Come on Mama! The star fragments isn't far, let's get it before someone steals it!", she couldn't help but laugh happily about her son excitement letting him lead the way while trying to calm him down a bit. "Alright, but once we collect them we must go back home. Your father is waiting for our return".

Finally reaching their destination, Link let go his mother hand and search around for the star fragments he saw earlier. His mother is looking around to make sure there is no danger lurking around, as well noticing some mushrooms that can be use for cooking, making note to tell Link to come back here again to collect them for her. Link keeps searching, almost believing someone has already stolen from him until he spotted something on top of a rock, he walks towards it and sees an unknown fabric that he hasn't seen before. Once he got a good look, he gasp quietly before looking for his mother, who was not far behind, "Mama, look, look. I finally found the star fragments", Link guided her where he found the so call "Star fragments".

Link mother looks down and gasp in surprise, two babies that seem to be twins, sleeping peacefully. She slowly grabs them both and hold them gently, keeping them close to her chest. She look to check their gender before looking back at the starry night, closing her eyes and whispering softly, "Thank you Goddess Hylia for this blessing", she then look back at the twins before turning to her son who still continues to watch the two babies that is being cradle by his mother. Kneeling down to her son level, she look and ask with a hint of happiness in her voice, "Would you like to meet your twin siblings, Aether and Lumine?".

Link and his mother returned to the village with smiles plastered on their faces, Link couldn't believe he became a big brother towards the two star fragments, he was very happy and promises to always protect and watch over them with great care. Finally back home, Link opened the door for his mother who thanked her son before walking inside along with Link. There was a man sitting on a dining chair, he opens his eyes once he heard the door open and close, the man had blonde hair almost the same color as Link, honey golden eyes that the woman always loves and ivory fair skin, Link Father.

He rises up from his chair giving a small smile that only his family can only receive, Link father seems to always have a stoic and unreadable facial expression but when it comes to his wife and child, he will always show an ounce of emotions. Link father stopped in front of them both when he caught sight of what his wife was holding. "Are those?...", She nodded her head while looking down at the bundles of joy. Link father stood next to his wife, inspecting the babies before spotting something different, "Their ears... they're round, not pointed like ours".

"I noticed that as well but we can just say it is a birth defect", she responded to her husband, Link gotten worried when his father mentioned something about his siblings ears but since his mother said it is nothing to worry about, then he shouldn't be too worried. "I can try and find Link old baby cradle, however since there are two... I don't know if they can both fit," Link immediately look both of his parents after what his father commented. "They can sleep on my bed, I can put many pillows to make sure they don't fall or bump their heads", his mother look at Link with a concerned expression.

"Oh, that is very nice of you however, where will you sleep?", She truly appreciated Link efforts but she couldn't help but wonder where her dear son would sleep if he was given to his bed. "On the floor, if they start crying I will be there to help", Link place his hands on his hips with a proud smile, after all, if he wants to be a great knight like his father then he must be able to assist his siblings needs. Before his mother could give out any more concerns, her husband place a hand on her shoulder giving her a look that it is alright.

Surely enough, just like Link said, his twin siblings are still sleeping peacefully with many pillows surrounding them while Link has a makeshift bed on the floor. His mother kissed him goodnight on the forehead, "Remember, if you need help putting your siblings back to sleep, you can get me or your father. Goodnight my brave knight", Link smile at her with a nod before she left the room and closed the bedroom door. He turn around and walk quietly to his bed to ensure he doesn't wake them up, looking over them with great care. "I will always protect and keep you safe, no matter how far you are away from home, I'm never far behind".

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