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“Hello” - Teyvat Language or any language I guess

Hello” - Hyrule Language


The streets in Fontaine are lively and young, chatting about what's new in the Steambird newspaper. Children can be seen running around and melusines walking around the place, doing their daily duties for the day.

A young male blonde haired traveler was walking in the streets with his floating companionship, looking around and wondering what to eat today. Is still morning, so they were looking for breakfast to eat or wondering whether they should cook breakfast.

However, before they could eat breakfast a melusine ran towards the duo in a hurry, holding an envelope with a Knight of Favonius wax stamp. The Melusine stops her running and stands in front of them, “ Good Morning, Aether and Paimon. I brought a message from the Adventurous Guild from Katheryne. It is a message from Mondstadt.” She handed the envelope to Aether, who was surprised he was getting a message from Mondstadt since it's been a longtime he's been there besides the WindBlume Festival.

“Thank You” Aether smile at Melusine, nodding his head before grabbing the Envelope. Melusine also nodded her head before leaving them alone, Paimon looked at the envelope, inspecting it before seeing the stamp. “Look! It has the Knight of Favonius symbol on it instead of the usual stamp of Anemo. Oh, I hope nothing bad happen, Come on open it!”

Aether opens the envelope, pulls out the letter and read it out loud so Paimon can listen as well while she reads.

Dear Honorary Knight,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and without problems. I hope your journey to find your sister is going well and you meet many friends to help you in your adventures. Good deeds that you've done have traveled to Mondstadt and we're happy to know you are still helping those in need.

However, this letter contains important information and as well a need of help. Apologies in advance, I don't enjoy asking you for help knowing how much you've done but we really need your help. Two unknown people have appeared in Mondstadt, we found them unconscious in the forest not far. Luckily, Barbara healed them both perfectly and nothing seems terrible.

This is where the help comes in, apparently this newcomer doesn't speak… any Teyvat Language. Their language is very different, something that we never heard before. Although they seem friendly and don't pose a threat whatsoever, we are trying to find any way possible to communicate and make sure there aren't any bad tendencies. If possible, can you please come to Mondstadt and assist us, once more apologies in advance for troubling you.

The Acting Grandmaster, Jean

Aether finished reading, he couldn't help but think if these people are like him as well. Not from this world and not understanding the language either, but he found Paimon who taught him well. Paimon floats in front of Aether, snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Two unknown people? Do you think they are just like you? Paimon is very curious now on who they are and how they look. Come on, let's go to Mondstadt and help them out!” Paimon exclaims happily, ready to go back to Mondstadt where it all started, definitely not for the Sticky Honey Roast. Aether, playfully roll his eyes at her, he knows that Paimom makes decisions for him without any second thoughts yet Aether doesn't mind it most of the time.

“Aren't you forgetting something? We still haven't eaten anything this morning, let's go eat and then travel back to Mondstadt.” Aether walks towards a direction where they will eat, Paimon not far behind floating next to him remembering breakfast now.

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