•A Story and an Explanation•

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"Hello" → Teyvat Language
"Hello" → Hyrule Language
"Hello" → Flashback

Warning: Long Chapter and I hate It


The room was filled with silence except for Aether silent cries and Zelda attempting to sooth him. Kaeya, Lisa, Jean and Paimon were surprised by Aether's actions. They have never seen the traveler behave in such manners before, yet they didn't try to stop it since it seems like a personal reunion.

Paimon was the first one, trying to get the traveler attention and understand what's going on, especially on why he is crying. "Aether... Aether! Why are you crying? Paimon is getting extremely worried." It took awhile but soon enough Zelda managed to calm down Aether and he wiped away any tears that still stain his cheeks or left in his eyes.

He faced Paimon and got embarrassed, he couldn't believe he was that emotional to start crying almost immediately like a cry baby but try to shake it off. "Sorry, it's just... Paimon, do you remember me talking about Link and Zelda during our travels?"

Paimon was confused on why he would bring something like that up during this time, "Uh, Paimon do remember you telling me stories about them, but I don't understand how that is helping in this situation!" Aether groans in annoyance but Paimon can be slow at times so he didn't get too annoyed.

"Actually, it does. Because, this my Brother Link and this is Princess Zelda. I know them." Once those words came out of his mouth, the room was filled with gasps and shock expressions. Paimon quickly recovered, she kicked her little feet in excitement for finally be able to meet them.

"So this is Link and Zelda! Paimon can't believe she is actually seeing them, they both look so awesome and pretty too!" Paimon fly towards them, looking at them awestruck and giggling to herself. "Wait, did you Princess? You meant we had a princess with us without even knowing!" Jean couldn't help but be surprised by this news, if she knew she would have given at least a special treatment for her instead of helping around doing dirty work.

Lisa and Keaya were also surprised by this, not realizing they were harboring a princess all this time. Another thing is that Aether has an older brother and he is here in this room. Kaeya couldn't help but think back on the situation back at the Whispering Woods, now realizing where Aether got such swordsman skills in the first place.

Aether looks back at Jean, Lisa and Kaeya after he drops such information into them. "Yes, but don't worry! Zelda isn't one that likes getting too much special treatment or anything, she's very polite and nice. Trust me!" Jean sigh in relief but still feels a little ashamed for not doing something better about it.

Kaeya couldn't help but chuckle in amusement, "Well then, I suppose this makes everything easier for us now. We have Aether as our translator and help us get answers for our questions." Lisa nodded, wanting to learn more about her little helper that was just helping her in the Library today.

"Yes, we need to get answers as quickly as possible to begin to write a full report on them and see whether they are a threat or not." Jean explained while standing up to walk over to the table that was in her office. Aether felt a little bitter when Jean call Zelda and Link a threat but understood why. Yet it still left a bitter taste.

"Now hold on a moment Jean, although I agreed we should get answer quickly. However, you have forgotten that our dear Honorary Knight hasn't seen any of his family for so long up until now. Why don't you let them catch up with everything, Family is important y'know." Kaeya stops her from going any further into questions and investigation, Jean was surprised by his action but gazes back at the Traveler and the two special guests.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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