●What is this place?●

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" Hello" -----> Teyvat Language

" Hello" ------> Hyrule Language

Enjoy reading~!

The winds blow gently brushing through the trees, grass, and any small cracks it can go through up in the Great Sky Island. Calm and peaceful flows throughout, the view down below from the courtyard platform from behind The Temple of Time is breathtaking and beautiful, you can see all of Hyrule and not a single Gloom in sight. Signs that the Demon King is now forever gone.

The new found sages along with Link stood next to Zelda, taking everything in and their big responsibility to take now. Purah was still behind everyone, smiling at the great achievement they all did and also marvelously the view before breaking the comforting silence. "I believe is best that we all head inside, there are some things we need to discuss" The sages turn to Purah, agreeing that there are a few discussions needed to be done.

Purah watches the Sages head inside the Temple of Time, she turns to look at Zelda and Link who are still standing there and observing. She decided it best to let them have some alone time with events that had happened. Purah and the rest of the sages walk inside the temple waiting for the Princess and Link to return inside.

Both stood in silence, gazing upon the scenery in front of them, Zelda was lost in her thoughts before speaking still looking ahead. "The Champions would have loved this view, especially Revali. He enjoys flying and practicing his archery in the skies." Link glance at Zelda before looking forward again, there were saddens in his eyes. He made a noise of agreement, nodding his head knowing the Rito Warrior would have enjoyed this and the rest of his fallen past companionship.

"The twins would too enjoy this view and start roaming around, exploring every island in the sky available to them". Zelda said with a gentle and soft voice, her face frowning just the mere thought of them. The twins always brighten the day with their presence and small banter they always have, doing rock-paper-scissors to decide on who gets to do what or gets their first try on something. She turn her head to Link, observing his expression and seeing what he is feeling.

Link eyes open slightly wide when his siblings were mentioned before returning to normal. When he first awoken from his deep slumber inside the Shrine of Resurrection, he lost all his past memories including the memories of his siblings. Throughout his journey in the wilderness, using the Sheikah Slate old photos taken by Zelda in hopes of remembering his past, he also started remembering memories about his siblings. Even asking Impa about them and the Champions before leaving to save Zelda and destroy Ganondorf.

After bringing Zelda back and starting to rebuild Hyrule Kingdom once more to its former glory, she has been helping him recover more memories about his siblings while sharpening both their bonds together since Zelda now lives with Link with the house he purchased in Hateno Village during his recovery period.

Link wanted to find any answers on what happened to his lost siblings, yet there was nothing. Not a single clue or anything, is like they disappeared right off this world.

Link nodded his head once more, giving a small sad smile to Zelda. Zelda also gave the same smile and grasped his hand, giving it a small squeeze as comfort before leaning closer to him. Link couldn't help but let out a tired and sad sigh, leaning against her as well. Link only showed his vulnerable side to Zelda only, he dislike showing emotions or being to rely on someone, prefer to hide his burdens.

"We should head inside, we need to discuss where to proceed from here on out." Zelda pulls away, getting ready to leave until she feels her hand get pulled. She look back at Link, wondering why he stopped her before he look at Zelda then pointed to an island below them where there lay an... orange ball air thingy?

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